Forum Replies Created
AdministratorYou need to wait 10 to 30 minutes before you game account is created. I can verify that your account has now been created.
AdministratorBefore making so many calculations, why don’t you try out some PvP? If you calculate the stats for all sets, mages always get more because they are more squishy. It doesn’t mean they are more overpowered 🙂 Tattoo of Soul is being carefully measured, so don’t worry about this. I am actually considering a way of increasing archer’s atk speed a bit more when using this tattoo.
The nerf came because daggers were getting crazy attack speeds. As I said, this is not a final change, so don’t worry about it so much.
But as I said, don’t focus so much on the maths. Play the game, if you see anything wrong with it while playing then report it. 4% and 20% and 50% don’t mean anything on their own.
AdministratorThe client/server stats must be different. Don’t worry too much about what the weapons/armours say, just focus on the actual stats (Patk, Pdef etc.). Hope this helps.
AdministratorIt’s just the low level mortal blow. It’ll be fixed soon, thanks for submitting!
AdministratorI have tried the hero bow and it is fine. Slow procs more often than you think. Thinking about the hero staff, but it already increases matk by a lot.
I have said this before, please don’t comment on things that have not been tested yet by the community. As soon as we get the first few heroes we can worry about their buffs and weapons. Till then you will need to trust our judgement.
AdministratorHello and welcome,
There’s no problem with having many clients installed. Some people’s Internet Connections time out before they can actually finish downloading such a big part. If you look in the forums, this has been asked before and we have suggested:1) Use Firefox, because it lets you continue interrupted downloads, or
2) Use a Download Manager, for the same reasonI’m glad you managed to fix this.
AdministratorMost probably. I’ll take a look into it, thanks for reporting (we are actually using the old L2Extreme shops).
AdministratorWelcome everyone, I am glad you are enjoying our server. Hope you all stick around for some cool old skool gameplay! There already is a facebook page, but there is no content on it yet – this is our next step 🙂 You can go ahead and search l2oldskool on facebook, I’m pretty sure you’ll find it.
AdministratorIs this issue resolved or not? Can you access your game account after all?
Administrator😮 I am 100% sure I fixed that in the past. I must have forgotten to add the code. Please also try deadly blow and let me know. Vicious stance on or off?
AdministratorYeah, that’s because the player’s MP regeneration also increments on each level.
AdministratorClosing this thread as we have a new registration page. Any user who has already requested an account can use the registration page to change the password. New users can use it to create their game accounts. Enjoy!
AdministratorThanks for reporting!
Vicious Stance actually consumes MP based on skill level and user level. Do you think it takes too much or too little mana?
Mark of Reformer is the 3rd item sold in Trader Woodrow, and yes all quests are working.silentz0r
AdministratorIs ok, I have opera mini and it works very nice, prehaps 9300 curve is shitty but the app is good
Testing quotes
Testing quote of quote
AdministratorIs ok, I have opera mini and it works very nice, prehaps 9300 curve is shitty but the app is good
Testing quotes