Forum Replies Created
AdministratorOkay, that’s great. Well, neither me nor toolpunk know what yandex is, we’ve never really used it, and since the server is already top google suggestion I don’t really know what else to do with google. Could you analyze your suggestion (with more technical details) or give us a link? What more are you suggesting that we do?
AdministratorWe had a bit of downtime, but everything’s back to normal now. The custom area will require some work which I don’t have the time at all at the moment. Dances/Songs poll will come up at some point, but again Songs and Dances are very strong in C3 and shouldn’t last that long. We are merely trying L2x’s recipe which worked fine, so we really don’t want to deviate from it and start customizing those things.
AdministratorI’ll be discussing this with toolpunk and we’ll let you know, thanks for posting!
We do have a few concerns about language support. If people find this server with Russian tags, they might assume it’s a Russian server. We’ll have to think about a way to approach this, we would probably need a Russian GM and a Russian section in our Forums. I am also pretty certain that we would need a Russian client (which we could provide, but then the online chat would look unreadable for people using the English client and vice-versa).
As far as the server just appearing in searches, I am pretty sure that searching “L2 C3” or “Lineage 2 C3” will give you our server as the first result: only thing that worries me is having a lot of non English speakers asking questions which we won’t be able to respond to, as neither me nor toolpunk speak Russian. Nor do we know anyone (in our circle) who does.
Could you explain your thinking a bit more?
AdministratorJust to let you know everything is back to normal, as you can see on the news as well. Closing this thread, see you online!
AdministratorThe network company identified the issue, a node had been damaged in the city and they’ll fix it a.s.a.p. That’s all I know for now.
AdministratorNah, just a shitty internet host. It will take them a day or two to fix this unfortunately.
AdministratorActually doing some maintenance on the server right now. After it’s back online, everything should work as usual.
AdministratorOkay, if most of you think it’s a plus then I guess we’ll consider it temporarily, but please do remember this day because I’ll refer to it when people start complaining about Songs/Dances becoming 10 minutes again.
I will make a poll as soon as I install a poll plugin on our website :p
AdministratorWe have a small active userbase at the moment, but the good thing is we get new users every day!
C3 was our favourite chronicle too (most of you remember L2Extreme back in C3) which is why we decided to start this server.
AdministratorIt works for me buddy. Try posting some screenshots.
AdministratorSo you mean we should increase the level difference for getting regular XP in party. That would just make everyone powerlevel using a friend’s high level character, and the whole leveling aspect would become pointless. Our XP rate is higher than L2x (I have proof for that) so it should be fine. If you wanna help out a friend who just joined, make a low level char or de-level your char (de-leveling is extremely powerful as you keep the high level spells, lots of people used to do that in L2x when we were in leveling parties). If you are level 50 with level 74 spells, you are going to level amazingly fast.
AdministratorYou most probably miscalculated something buddy. Or maybe there is a problem with ancient adena? Try it with other items as well.
AdministratorParty XP is already higher than the original party XP.