Forum Replies Created
AdministratorActually, final frenzy and final fortress are ALWAYS ACTIVE instead. Unfortunately those skills could not work automatically. We will change them to Toggle active, like Vicious Stance, Accuracy and Frenzy. So you can only activate them when your hp level is low.
AdministratorScript for restarting login server was not working properly, now fixed.
AdministratorFive people cannot successfully test this out, which is why we don’t put that much effort into it. Always remember that donation does not mean purchase, it means appreciating mine and @toolpunk ‘s work hours, which are unpaid. That is the whole purpose of testing and nerfing/boosting. We try things out and see what the majority of the community thinks. This needs to be quite a few people. As I said, we have relatively balanced classes with every class having something quite powerful. If we see once we launch that any class is overpowered, we will take actions. But it is very unlikely that only one class will be overpowered, or else we would have spotted it already. So expect changes on things that affect every player – like SA’s, Set bonuses, and common skills (or skills for every class).
Blizzard, Inferno and the rest of those powerful spells will receive a small nerf soon as well. If we had 50 or more active people in BETA we could also try some mass pvp, split them into two clans and have wars and maybe have a siege as well. But unfortunately there’s just too few people to arrange those things. A 1v1 won’t teach us anything, as it can go either way anytime.
If people are up for arranging some mass pvp/raids/sieges then sure we can try those things. But we won’t wait forever, as we need to go live eventually.
Hope this is clear enough.
AdministratorWe will test maxed chars when we get some maxed chars ingame. We have tested on our side most things that need to make sense mathematically, now it’s up to the community to try it when we go live. As I said, such things can be changed while we are live. In fact, if we start testing maxed stuff and semi maxed and mixed gear whatsoever, this would take a year. We are currently fixing the last bugs that we want fixed before the server is stable, playable and enjoyable and the rest will be taken care of while the server is live.
AdministratorYour theory is not right, because you are forgetting about Jewelry and Magic Defence, including magic defence buffs/dances. There are also resistance buffs/songs/dances. We realize that whoever has the most CON loses more from CP, but still that’s all there is to it. We can’t fix things based on theories. Once we get some PVP action going on we can then balance things out.
Please refrain from theories and only post stuff that has actually been tested. We already had 2 people fighting over things that weren’t even tested, so let this be the last one. Once we go live, it doesn’t mean that nothing is changing.
Administrator@vlobeshnik the limit is 1 account per forum user.
AdministratorWhat operating system are you running? Are you running L2.exe from the system folder?
Also, go to your system folder and open “release.txt” with notepad and please tell me your version number.silentz0r
AdministratorHello, the server is up and running. I checked just now and I can login fine. Are you sure you have updated everything correctly? Can you connect to other servers (non-C3)? Maybe your outbound ports are closed/blocked from firewall. Is your friend on the same network as you?
Administrator@kenfalco That’s what we are working on right now. Ideally we wanted to automatically create game accounts for every site user upon registration, but this could be abused. Instead, every user will be able to register a game account with the same username, users will have to provide a password for their game account (they can choose the same password).
Until we get this to work we are manually making accounts for users, since our old registration page was exploitable.
AdministratorAgreeing with Verena on most parts, but have to add that Vicious Stance actually adds damage to auto attack critical hits, including criticals from bow. It doesn’t change it greatly, for example if an archer crits for 1500 damage, with VS on they will crit for ~1700 damage.
Cancel is the same way it was on C3, same goes for sleep, stun, landing rate of blows.
Now that you guys mentioned it, AutoSS worked the same way on official servers (during Chronicle 3) as it does here? I mean, the spiritshots were added after casting a spell, not before? Did they only change that after C3?
Strider disarm is an easy fix, we prefer it this way as it was the old classic way (even if it was changed later). Only wyverns disarm you for now. Strider speed is 180, if you get buffs you can get MUCH more speed than that.
Focus works fine, I am not sure about Bodily Blessing, but to be honest on a PVP server nobody really cares about it. All they want is magic attack/casting speed 🙂
Fake death landing rate will be changed to 100% for official launching, so don’t worry about it.
Can you be more specific about the materials and the shops? They seem to work fine for me.
Vicious stance + blows is supposed to do great damage, but maximum damage from blows is 2000, if I recall correctly. I have fixed smeli’s vicious stance and it works as we want it to now, so no blow will do the amount of damage you mentioned.
The tank skills I think cannot work properly, so we either give them the stats by making the skill passive (HP percentage won’t work, so they get the buff when 100% as well) or we make it activated ( T ) so the player needs to activate the skill manually.
I don’t get access failed. I think I’ve told you many times that you are using the wrong system folder. All you have to do is download the updater and let it update.
We do not use smeli’s scripts. Our scripts come from old developers, private projects/shares and lots of our own work.
AdministratorI would never say “I hope you burn” and “Regards” in the same sentence. Hopefully you used google translate and “I hope you burn” means something very kind in your language. Account details sent by PM (read first post on this thread on how to read PMs).
AdministratorFirst batch of accounts sent out. Sorry again, the new control panel is being developed as I said.
AdministratorAccount requests will have to be put on hold as I said before, as we are working on the new registration script. It should be done pretty soon.
AdministratorNo problem, it’s a pretty random “fix” but it gets the job done. I really can’t understand why this works.
AdministratorAccounts will have to be put on hold for a little more time, we are working on a small script which will be used until we have a working account creation system. Hang in there 🙂