Forum Replies Created
AdministratorThe teleport function will be fixed after next restart. You can ignore the other error message, we will fix it in a later stage (we need it for now to fix the function).
AdministratorCould you please let us know exactly which clan hall it is? You can find the clan hall name here:
AdministratorThe Patk on same LAN feature has been disabled already.
As far as buffs lasting longer, I will make a poll this weekend and leave it on for a couple of weeks to see how people respond to it. If most people want higher buff times, then all we have to do is deliver.
With that being said, our idea of buffers was not that they only buff. It is a playable class, able to PvP and therefore we have high class items for them as well, including hero weapons. If people don’t play these classes it’s only because they think they are not powerful when the fact is that they actually are. The 10 minute mark seems annoying to many people because they think it is supposed to be an afk buff. In fact, it is supposed to be helping out the party that the BD/SWS is in, and instead of having it down to 5 minutes we decided to leave it at 10 minutes so people can actually farm/pvp without having to get those buffs again instantly.
The new servers with 24/7 buffs ruined the whole gameplay of L2, and everyone was playing a nuking character – whether that was an archer, dagger, mage, or the occasional healer. We are trying to introduce all classes here, just like L2x used to.
With that being said, we are also working on a custom class which will be introduced in the following weeks/months, so stick around 🙂
AdministratorThanks for reporting this, I have fixed this and it should be fine after the next server restart!
AdministratorThe Damage is usually a Chronicle Problem. Yet a Abyss should have the Highest crit damage, an Plains Walker the highest Crit rate and a TH both on the middle way. but the official C3 wasnt made like that. So…. play as the race you like mostly. They are pretty equal in damage. The only thing that cheers a TH up is his Attack Speed and his Dash Skill, thats all.
Sorry maybe i did not explained well.
Treasure hunter – Abyss walker :
With: Focus lvl 3 + Dance of fire. will do ridiculously damange on mortal blow skills (less damage than without buffs)Plan walker .
With: Focus level 3 + Dance of fire . will do 3.000 , 4.000 damage with each mortal blow skill.This test id done without “focus” skill
Are you talking about this server?
AdministratorA restart usually fixes this problem. I will add some debug messages for next time it happens so that we can actually see what’s going on. Try logging out and back in to see if it is fixed.
AdministratorYour username is too long. I don’t know why you were even allowed to register such a long name. It has to be maximum 16 characters long. And please don’t post more than once, we will see it.
AdministratorJust to verify, when did this happen? Right now (if he starts spamming again) he should be kicked after around 10 lines of spam.
AdministratorYeah, I’ve fixed that 🙂 I didn’t want to fix it so that people could chat without getting banned on trade chat, but I guess some people just wanna watch the world burn. Flooding trade chat = auto kick
AdministratorActual online count is pretty low these days, don’t really know why. As I said before, we are here to stay for a long time. We have new user registrations every day, it seems weird that we don’t get many online.
AdministratorHello, you can visit the Donation Reward NPC in giran. It shows the stats as well as the tokens needed.
AdministratorHi, the safe enchant is the original one (+3 for everything, +4 for main armors). What do you mean 100/100 c3? We have most C3 features working, yes.
AdministratorWe’d rather if you sent us a private message here, or email me at or toolpunk at
AdministratorIt’s our weekly maintenance that’s going on right now. It should work fine after that.
AdministratorAwesome, I’ll look into this, thanks.