Forum Replies Created
AdministratorWe actually have all those features (used to have them even back in 2009) but we disabled them for several reasons, including the small community. We will surely add them again as soon as the community grows a bit.
AdministratorHello, online count is quite low at the moment, somewhere between 10 – 40 players at any time which is weird as we have more than 1000 game accounts and 1500 website accounts.
Administrator<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>verdi wrote:</div>
hmmmi wouldnt go unrealistic items that much
imho! atm there is a big need for a bigger community. and some bugfixes (soulshots / spirit shots)
There’s nothing wrong with soulshots/spiritshots
I agree on the need for a bigger community, and right now it is mainly up to you guys to bring your old friends/clan mates over to check our server out!
well the delay with the sps
and when you switch weapons the SS are not automatically loading. or is that set by you?
i played retail
and i remember i could blow all my ss just by switching weapons.
yet i work on gett all my friends here:D
I’ve replied to another topic as well, this server is in fact L2OFF C3 but it is very far away from Retail C3. I played on retail C3 myself for quite some time and I already know the differences. We are based on C1, as every old private C3 server was, so we get all the limitations from it. Currently Auto-SS is working as retail, but Auto-BSS activates upon spell cast which is really the only way we can do it for now.
If you check the server features in the Announcements section, you will find that we are very close to retail C3 and we in fact have many features that none of the old private C3 servers had.
Also apologies to ToNy for going off-topic. If more people are interested in this we will definitely think about it, thanks for the suggestion.
AdministratorI have just manually tested Frenzy and it works as it should. Below 20% hp it gives 100%/150%/200% patk. Accounts are automatically created, we just have a custom system that verifies the accounts to avoid spams/explots.
AdministratorI know, I was actually talking about private C1/C2/C3 servers. Even though this is L2OFF C3, it is still lacking features from retail C3 as it is much much older and buggier 🙂 No retail C3 files ever reached private server devs, it was all based in C1.
AdministratorAll clan hall features are disabled by default. You need to manually activate them through the NPC inside the CH.
AdministratorFrenzy works fine. It is a self buff which you can activate only when you are below 20% hp.
AdministratorThe tax rate is actually set, as you can see that items sold in Giran are actually 15% more expensive than any other town. I am not entirely sure why it doesn’t show in the castle tab correctly yet though.
i wouldnt go unrealistic items that much
imho! atm there is a big need for a bigger community. and some bugfixes (soulshots / spirit shots)
There’s nothing wrong with soulshots/spiritshots 🙂 I agree on the need for a bigger community, and right now it is mainly up to you guys to bring your old friends/clan mates over to check our server out!
AdministratorHey, thanks for the reports.
First one is a known bug, if you hit TAB it restores your char, however it is only a visual bug (you don’t actually lose your armor). Trades are really buggy and sometimes crash the client too. Unfortunately we haven’t found a solution to this yet.
I haven’t seen any issues with friendlist, I will check it out thanks.
Clan privileges are not given from the clan menu, but currently from Zashida NPC (next to gatekeeper in every major town). You need to target your clan member (he needs to be online and next to you) and select the privileges from the NPC. I will post a short guide about this soon.
Trade chat is duplicated on local chat in order to add it to the chat logs. I know it’s annoying, but it’s not meant for spamming and we have an auto kick feature for that.
Enchanted items lose their enchant when you add SA on them in C3 (and previous chronicles), this isn’t really a bug.
AdministratorWhy did it get deleted? I will definitely check that link out.
AdministratorIf you go to any teleporter you can see the suggested level of the hunting area next to the name, e.g. Dragon Valley (55 – 62) etc. Lowest level catacomb creeps are level 52 at the moment.
AdministratorYou can dualbox out of town if you really feel like it, but you might get the ban hammer if the activity seems bot-like (i.e. you are AFK farming, not responding intelligently to PMs or GM activity etc.).
Long story short: Dualbox if you feel like it, botters like the guy in OP’s post will eventually get banned.
AdministratorKatsu, ShawnMB’s server 🙂 Good times.
AdministratorNo grade items can be found in the regular shops (check the “Grocery Store” on your map in each town), and they are usually found in starting villages (Talking Island Village, Elven Village etc.).
Seven Signs is open for everyone, so you can simply hunt at catacombs/necros. Bear in mind that Catacombs & Necropolis are custom areas.