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MemberAlso I’m dead sure you can’t just add percentages unless they all refer to the same base value.
Example: Assume the basic casting speed was 100. +2 WIT -> +12%, which would leave us with a casting speed of 112. Now you get a 22% increase on that which equals 136.64.
This is How c3 works. The Buff % Stack on the previous Value. This is why you took good on the fact, reducing the M atk Tattoo. Its not like c4, that all the buffs, stats and SA abilities depend on a basic Value. They increase with every Buff. I dont want any class to get weakened. I just dont get it why you did reduces the Atk.Speed Tattoo by 10% from 33% to 23%. I dont know if you guys know what atk speed different classes should have on some basics, i can only tell you by my archer so far. And being buffed with Haste Level 2, Atk.Speed Tattoo, Rapid Shot 2, Passiveskill: Boost Attack Speed (Human passive), Doom Light (+3 DEX) and ive got a Attack Speed of 622. Im almost maxed out on Atk Speed. And the Human Archer on C3 is the one with the highest Attack Speed. Its not a QQ, but why changing the general atk speed of Fighter classes, when on the BETA only the Daggers were bugged. The fullbuffed attack speed stacked the animation of the character. Yet we also tested the casting speed maxed out and we reached a limit where the nuker didnt even used an animation by its high casting speed, but you let the c. speed tattoo untouched? I Dont want you to nerf anything, of lower the Mage Tattoos. Yet dont touch other Tattoos unless you tested every possibility. The only thing that was OP was the M atk Tattoo, which used by a Spellhowler with the Tita Robe + the M Atk Staff would doom everyone. The Casting speed is fine. But why kicking the fighters once more? Let the Tattoo as it is and look for another solving for the Daggerproblem. One which does not touch other fighters.
MemberIt is wrong on this 😉
Bow of Peril : 400 P atk
Eminence Bow +8 : 401 P atkP Atk With Bow of Peril : 1245
P Atk With Eminence Bow +8 : 1159Verena
MemberBecause we tested the dagger on the Beta and they were too fast, they even glitches the attack animation ^^
MemberIf so, you would have to wipe, change the rates, and stuff like that. Else people would be done in 2 days on max grade.
MemberNo way, this server is related to the old L2eXtreme. It had S and Boss jewels and a Costum Hero system.
MemberI dont know. If i would play a Spellhowler, donating, getting maxed and you then realize: Damn, hes too strong, lets nerf him because his damage is too high” i would feel pissed because i donated for a char, thats getting nerfed once its live. I still dont know why not testing it now. It would take a week to test it all. If every Beta Tester is getting access to the free gm shop to test out the maximum of each class, we can prob fix the stuff befor it goes live, but thats up to you.
MemberWe cant test it with 5 people on the server. things need to be tested from the gm site. giving people maxed chars to test stuff out. else the beta will take a year…
MemberCancel is the same way it was on C3, same goes for sleep, stun, landing rate of blows.
The Skill itself yes, the reuse and casttime not. Cancel had a fixed Casting time and fixed reusetime. If i remember correctly Cancel was about 3 seconds to cast and 300 seconds to reuse. Cancels 100% of all the skills, Landingrate was nearly 90%.
Now that you guys mentioned it, AutoSS worked the same way on official servers (during Chronicle 3) as it does here? I mean, the spiritshots were added after casting a spell, not before? Did they only change that after C3?
People belive, that the spiritshots will be used befor the skill casts when using autoss. Buts on the officials it was different untill c4. How it works here is right, if you want the Spiritshot be used befor you cast a skill to gain the extracasting speed, you need to do it manualy.
Focus works fine, I am not sure about Bodily Blessing, but to be honest on a PVP server nobody really cares about it. All they want is magic attack/casting speed 🙂People that are using and SE as Dualbox char does care about the HP buff which is unbuffable from an Elf/Darkelf buffer =P
Vicious stance + blows is supposed to do great damage, but maximum damage from blows is 2000, if I recall correctly. I have fixed smeli’s vicious stance and it works as we want it to now, so no blow will do the amount of damage you mentioned.
There is no such as fixed damage. The Backstab on a Tank is by far less hurtfull as the Backstab on a Mage. At c2 and later a Dagger was able to, when fullybuffed and good enchanted/equipped, onehit Mages. Thats what Daggers are made for in the PvP. The whole game is a circle:
Dagger > Mage
Archer > Mage
Tank > Archer
Mage > Warrior (Gladiator, Destroyer etc)
Warrior > Archer,DaggerThats ofc not happening everytime, but thats kind of how its working. So if you see Mages here raping Daggers all the time, you might Balanced it wrong.
The tank skills I think cannot work properly, so we either give them the stats by making the skill passive (HP percentage won’t work, so they get the buff when 100% as well) or we make it activated ( T ) so the player needs to activate the skill manually.
Cant you take Frenzy as an option? its working only on 30% or less HP too, wouldnt it be the same, just put it as passive?
All i can add is, that everything is almost working correct. But the Attacks Speed and Casting Speed is weired. I played an Mage here to test it and i figuered out, that when ever my casting speed increases, i dont only cast faster, all my skills’s reuse is reduced. Thats the most annoying thing. It makes Daggers (read and tested in a different Thread) Spamusing Skills, Mages Spamnuking / Canceling TOO fast (i just imagined a test. The setting of the Skills here would mean, that a Hero Dagger would lose against a A Grade Spellsinger oder Sorcerer)
And i dont like how Titanium Sets are so based on the “Typical Class”. Like the Light Armor gives only P atk for Archers and Daggers? What about Destroyer, Warlords, Tyrants, Duelists. All of them are Lightarmor user as well.
If you can only fix all the skilltimes reuse as it should be (there were NO, not even ONE Skill, that depends on casting speed or attack speed, they had ALL fix reuses) It would make the gameplay a whole lot better.
We also have to look on the Balancing of the Classes itself. Archers compared to Archers. The Human for example got the highest Attack Speed (Thanks to the passive Boost Attack Speed Level 1), With Dash spamable (Thanks to the reusetimethingy) the highest Runspeed, the highest HP and P atk and with Snipe the highest Range. Darkelves only have the Highest Critical Damage and Elves….nothing. So there is not even 1 good point to use an Elf Archer here. Compared the skills and Basic stats ofc.
And is Binding Blow of the Elf/Darkelf working? Should give runspeedboost once used against an Enemie.
Membervicious stance is made for skill damage only. no general normal critical hit with an dagger or an Bow will count by vicious stances damage up, thats how it should work. And yes, C3 also have Critrate = landing rate. Means 1000 critical rate (maximum on c3 – even on official) 100% critical rate = Every Blow skill of an Dagger will land, even backstab from the front side.
Member1) cancel remove all buffs Thats how it works in C3, sadly but true
3) Vicious stance + mortal blow can cause great damage (not sure if is a bug) Also correct, Vicious stance will ALWAY only increase the SKILL damage, not the general Damage. Once a Archer is using Vicious STance it will not increase his critical damage on a normal arrowshot
5) When you playing the other players position seems like have a delay and you see them quiet meanwhile they are really in other location Thats a typical L2 C3 location problem, which also appeared on the official Servers.
3) If auto spiritshot enabled removing 1 to trash can. them will not increase casting speed. It does increase casting speed. C3 had the Problem, that the automatic spiritshots does not being used befor you cast the skill. The castingspeed bonus only appears when the spiritshot is used befor the skill is.
MemberAnd you know that he was 99,98% better because? i regret you played on every single retail ^^ Yet DVPs pvp count was higher than 9000. The fact that it IS a freeshards makes it way more useless. Gustavs is one, if not even the best TH out there. By many facts. Having top equip isnt a success. Its a teamwork which is irrelevant for a single player like gustavs. He never wanted a good clan, thats why he refuses to join X or ITT. When a Dagger in a S84 Armor, such as Vorpal looses against a Dagger in a Majestic Armor its means he is way more skilled. Lineage 2 was eversince c2 a pure Equipment game. The enemies he fought against were 80% with dancer, singer and WC/PP on their way. You can say what ever you want, the people you posted up there are just some other freeshard pvpers with some good equip. 1 out of 1000 today.
Memberyou posted a video in my Gustavs thread, not the video section xD
MemberThats just Group vs Group PvP. Good, X alliance on Teon was the top of those kinds. But i talked about Single Player that easly beat a Full Party undergeared. Gustavs and Kagan were both underequipped. A Grade, Dagger is Majestic against Heroes, people with +10 S or Dynasty later on. Offical server without any Costum stuff. Everything else is Childsplay. And non of you twos videos can compare to Kagan or Gustavs. You know MuerteLegend or DanielDefo? Both duelists. Everyone is praying them, but both are useless. Epayed, fighting with a Duelist in S84 +16 against A/S Mages. Even my Gradma could kill them with a character like that. Daniel Defo was so proud of his “mass” pvp victories. Yet he Played a Hero Duelist with +16 S84 Duals and S84 Top Armor Set full elemented against A Grade mages… People like Dvp, Squeez, DanielDefo, MuerteLegend are just ebayed wannabies, far away from being skilled.
MemberW4n7ed2008, you dont know what you/we are talking about. The game itself works, but what ever you do (and changing it to “Compatibility XP” wont help you) using Tab or the Windows button to go back to your Desktop will crash your client on a high chance.
MemberThose people are not even close to Kagan or Gustavs. Both were in A grade, fighting S Grade and later on Dynasty. They were absolutly undergeared, non heroes without any overenchants. Those people you showed were Heroes with almost Endgame equip. Everyone can play like that, thats no big deal. On top all these People are pvping with dances, songs, a party behind them and even a Bishop keeping them alive. Gustavs got PP buffs and a few cp pots. You cant compare the 2 videos. its clearly Gustavs whos the better pvp-player into this.