Forum Replies Created
Member1. Its know. its a securitysetting on the server to avoid glitches.
2. Thats also normal untill c3. Spirit/Blessed Spirit shots do not automaticly activate befor a nuke, but while nuking. If you want the castingspeed boost, you have to activate them manually.
MemberBecause a Strider is meant to carry more items with you. On a strider you could have 100% weight and still move.
April 18, 2014 at 3:09 am EEST in reply to: Dusk Sword Have Lower M attack then Elemental Sword Empo +3 with 152 M atack #1815Verena
MemberThe basic M atk of both weapons are:
Elemental Sword 143 M atk
Dusk Sword 195 M atk
Whats wrong with that? Dusk Items arent made to be enourmusly good. They are made to be a better looking various of the normal S items. The M atk is more that enough. And ofcyou got a better m atk with a +4 A Weapon with Empower. Stop thinking COSTUM means imba strong.
MemberHeyho 🙂 35 slots are too many. Its c3, there isnt even Chant of Victory or any of the new dances/Dongs. Getting 35 buffslots insteed of 20 (which are now) would mean that everyone could get full resist buffs. Everyone could get fullbuffed as they like. For now you need to chose your buffs wisely.
MemberI think he means the Buffslots. But they are fine…
MemberThe Damage is usually a Chronicle Problem. Yet a Abyss should have the Highest crit damage, an Plains Walker the highest Crit rate and a TH both on the middle way. but the official C3 wasnt made like that. So…. play as the race you like mostly. They are pretty equal in damage. The only thing that cheers a TH up is his Attack Speed and his Dash Skill, thats all.
Membernono, its about 1 and a half week ago if i remember. gonna look later, i made prob some screens (:
MemberHehe okay. But it seems that guy was actives. because once i was close to him he ended using the tradehca,t but spammed in regularchat instead…..
MemberSeems there was some kind of Bug the Past days. a Guy was able to SPAM the Chat nonstop. He was using the tradechat NONSTOP. It was impossible to chat.
MemberHow do people even come to the idea, being in the need of Chant of Victory on a L2x C3 server? isnt like all classes got decent stats already…
NO Props. NO COV !!!!
MemberBuffs here holds 30 minutes. Thats why Alkien asks for Dances/Songs 30 minutes as well. Since everyone made himself a Dancer and Singer, you would have both all the time anyway. Its just the fact that you have to change your client to the both buffers every 10 minutes which also causes critical errors often. So putting Dances and Songs to 30 minutes as long we dont have enough people, playing both classes actives.
Memberyou forumname is automaticly your login name for your ingame accounts yes.
Member1:48 – 1:54 – Dat Elfarcher Attackspeed ! Back on c2, when Elemental Bow had Costum Speed Very Fast 😀