Forum Replies Created
AdministratorWhat’s the character’s name?
AdministratorIs your client up-to-date? Are you using our client?
AdministratorEverything is fine now.
AdministratorWhat do you mean you can’t create an account? You just need to fill in a game account password twice and hit submit, and then wait 10 – 30 minutes for registration.
AdministratorIt looks like people so far want the buff times increased, current poll results are:
Yes – 30 Votes (75%)
No – 10 Votes (25%)We will leave the poll open for a few more days, and if the results are still not even close to even, we will be increasing Dances & Songs timers to 30 minutes for now.
AdministratorIt was a server issue, don’t worry about it. Glad you enjoy C3 🙂
AdministratorTo anyone who faces this problem: Whenever this happens, just wait for a server restart. It’s a silly bug that only gets fixed once the server has restarted.
AdministratorThis only happened because as I’ve mentioned in another post I’ve had surgery on my arm and find it very difficult these days to pretty much do anything. All the things you complained about where fixed by simply restarting the server which we usually do once a week. We might just enable daily restarts to avoid all this.
AdministratorYou need to register for a game account as well. You currently only have a website account. You can register for a game account by clicking on the 3rd button on the main bar.
AdministratorNo hackers, just needed a restart that’s all.
AdministratorServer just needed a restart, thanks for noticing. I’ve been travelling the past 2 days and last night I also had an accident and broke my arm, so I really had no time to do anything.
AdministratorUsing our updater should fix this problem. Glad you got it to work, have fun 🙂
AdministratorSounds like you guys are experiencing the Alt-Tab issue on Windows 7. Old L2 clients cannot lose focus in Windows 7. Search the forums for this, a solution including a software called “Teamviewer” has already been posted.
AdministratorYou can teleport to catacombs from any Gatekeeper. They are all high level catacombs at the moment, so make sure you have a party.
AdministratorHi everyone, sorry for the delay!
The registration system needed a restart, I can confirm all your accounts are working now. Welcome and apologies for the delay again!
Cya all online