Forum Replies Created
Administrator2. The original subclass system can’t be re-created on old chronicles. If you remember, the first “private” servers that got the working subclass system were C4+.
4. I have thought of this, but if we make basic materials available in exchange for AA then low level crafter + spoiler are completely useless classes.
5. Songs and Dances are balanced the way they are, I will try to explain: At Level 74 Dance of Vampire slowly absorbs damage dealt to the enemy, Song of Vengeance reflects damage dealt to the player. At Level 72 no buffs. At Level 70 they both get a defensive buff. We just consider Dance of Vampire better than Song of Vengeance because of the “Meta” (i.e. which buffs we consider “good” buffs), and the same goes at level 66 with Song of Vitality and Dance of Protection. I hope this makes sense.
9. Thanks for reminding me. Those definitely need better drops!
We do the best we can. I can’t take all the credit as many many people have worked on several different things, from server to client to website to tools we use. I am glad we’re able to run this server and people can come back and play some old style L2.
The server has been online for a lot of years and the reason we keep it alive is simply because people keep coming back and want to play this great game on that era. We were never after big crowds or big donations, we just liked C3 and wanted to work on it as a project so that people who wanted to play C3 could enjoy the best version of this game.
AdministratorThanks a lot.
- We already have the hatchling quest. You can also grow it into a strider, and if you own a castle make your strider a wyvern!
- I really liked the stacking-style subclass system which was around before private C4 servers came out where you basically had skills from both classes at the same time, but it made some of the combinations very overpowered (e.g. Prophet + Spellsinger). Do you mean the original subclass system, or the “stacking skills” one?
- The 999 max items bug is just an old C1-C3 bug. This is a good idea, maybea pack of 5,000 for each soulshot/spiritshot type.
- S grade is not that hard to craft, what do you find difficult about it? Also, what do you mean by “Make some resources for AA”?
- That’s the original way. If you get everything you need before level 74, then there is no reason to get to level 74. Instead I think we should make buffer classes stronger and easier to play, so that they are not used just for afk buffs.
- See reply 5 🙂
- We have that every year, it’s coming soon 😉
- Manual events are pretty hard to do because of the low population, and C3 did not support automated events. This is really unfortunate, so I can only do events when I’m online and have enough time.
- Which raid bosses are you talking about? Lilith, Anakim, Baium and Antharas all drop a lot of things, including S grade weapons/armors and Titanium parts.
- This was suggested a while back too. Considering it for some buffs, however it will be difficult to do properly.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to respond to the thread, and I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the server!
AdministratorYou probably need drivers for your chipset. Your CPU and GPU are both really old and low end, so they might not support the game even with the correct drivers.
AdministratorNope, server works fine now. There was no client update.
AdministratorSome bad configurations after last problems. Should be fine now.
AdministratorServer’s online unless there’s technical issues. There’s technical issues, trying to resolve them.
Please don’t post on the first thread you find unless your post is related to that thread. Instead, make a new thread at the proper section.
AdministratorHello and welcome. Can you post a screenshot?
AdministratorDust in the wind
AdministratorHello and welcome!
Bad name index usually means that a file is corrupt. Did you get any errors when you used the installer that you downloaded? I will re-download and update the game to see if I get the same error, but you should try to update again.
Could you please post some more information about your system:
- Operating System (Windows 7 Pro, Windows 10 Home etc.)
- CPU model
- Graphics card model
- Amount of RAM (4GB, 8GB etc.)
Did you download the updater, or did you use the updater found inside the client?
Also, could you post a screenshot of what it looks like for you on the char creation screen?
AdministratorThere’s definitely plans for things to be done at higher levels, one of them being the Hero quest 🙂
AdministratorI’ve got a bit more time in my hands so I started working on things again 🙂 Maybe, one day, we’ll see new features 😀 The sad thing is that my test server machine died and I lost all my work in progress until I can get it restored, or work on it again.
I’m setting a lot of things up at the moment to make sure things like that don’t happen and to also make testing for me much easier. This is not something the users will see, but it will really help me a lot.
I’m gonna make a suggestion thread soon where people can post their individual ideas or suggestions. If I (or anyone else) like an idea a lot, we might end up implementing it. If your ideas suck I will fine you 100,000,000,000,000 adena.
AdministratorYeah unfortunately people forget that this was not possible in C3, it has been reported a couple of times as a “bug”.
I’ve thought about putting a big notice on the NPC before you choose your SA, but by that time damage is already done because people have already enchanted their weapons.
Do you guys think that would help?
AdministratorThanks for making an official guide.
I can confirm that the easiest fix to “Negative Delta Time” is running the game on just 1 core, so this fix is great.
I’m not getting any issues with negative delta time, never got any on any of my machines (both Intel and AMD CPUs). How often did you get those messages? What CPU do you have?
CPU: AuthenticAMD Unknown processor @ 30765 MHz with 2047MB RAM
This line seems weird. For some reason your chipset is not recognized. Have you downloaded drivers for that chipset?
AdministratorThere seems to be a power outage, I will make a post on the front page which I will update. Haven’t got an E.T.A. yet.