Forum Replies Created
AdministratorI think the description is wrong in some items and will fix those in the next client update. But all C4 sets are better than the old S grade sets.
AdministratorWe have another thread about this. We don’t plan on increasing the buff slots, but we might merge some buffs into one (e.g. bless the body and bless the soul etc.)
AdministratorYou need to understand that this is a personal problem of yours, not every player has the same problem as you. We are nice enough to spend time to help you find what the issue is, but there is no reason for cocky behavior and demands.
This is a free server and a free community.
Now, you should try reinstalling your graphics drivers both for the Intel and Nvidia graphics cards, and provide more info about what the problem is and how it exactly happens. What are you doing when it happens? Does it happen if you stay afk? Do you switch focus to another window?
AdministratorThis is a silly fix for Windows 8, but try to focus chat before you alt tab out of the game, or even click anywhere outside the game window. If the chat is focused the client will not crash.
AdministratorHello, thanks for the reports. Please check the skills page for warlock: here
There is no Queen of Cat skill.
Also, there are no soulshots for pets in C3 unfortunately, making warlock a very weak class. He is one of my priorities to buff with some good skills so that he is playable in C3.
AdministratorThe prices were increased a few months ago because people could just farm adena for a few days and never have to worry about losing their Clan Halls. Maintaining a Clan Hall should be an active thing, so we don’t plan on decreasing it. Here’s the math behind it, just so you realize that it really isn’t all that bad:
- DVC mobs drop 150,000 to 250,000 adena each and they’re not the highest level ones (Catacombs mobs drop a lot more).
- This means that in order to maintain a clan hall you need to kill:
10,000,000 adena / 150,000 adena per mob = 67 mobs
or10,000,000 adena / 250,000 adena per mob = 40 mobs
. - So, you need somewhere between 40 to 67 mobs every week to maintain a simple Clan Hall.
- When you are level 70+, if you get fully buffed it should take 5-10 seconds to kill a DVC mob (a fully buffed mage with regular A/S grade gear can kill the mob in 2 or 3 hits). This means that you need worst case scenario
10 sec * 67 = 670 sec = 11 min 10 sec
of farming, excluding travelling time. Even if it takes you twice as much to walk around from mob to mob, you are still left with 8 more minutes of buffs to continue farming and that’s just from one buff cycle (all buffs last 30 minutes).
I really don’t think 10-20 minutes every week is a lot to ask for a Clan Hall. Also the high prices prevent people from farming a Clan Hall and holding it forever. If you reach a high level and farm a bit you will have more than enough adena to do everything. In fact, maybe some top tier Clan Halls could have a much higher price but offer extra sweet goodies, if I can come up with something cool 🙂
AdministratorHello. These are some good questions which I should have already answered in the Tutorial I made: NPCs, Sieges & Clan Halls, so thanks for reminding me!
We have custom Clan Privileges: Invite to Clan, Withdraw from Clan WH, Open CH/Castle Doors, Set Title. You can speak to Zashida in Giran (next to the Gatekeeper) to find out more.
- Every Clan member can see and deposit items inside the Clan Warehouse, but only the leader and those with the Clan WH Privilege can pick up items. However, due to a bug we discovered this has been disabled temporarily and only the Clan Leader can pickup items from the Clan Warehouse (for now).
- No, there is no penalty. It might take a few seconds for the server to update, however.
Clan Hall:
- I think it’s Level 4 to get a clan hall, but I might be wrong. @Alkien knows these things better 😮
- This depends on the grade of Clan Hall. Dion CHs are 20,000,000 to obtain and 10,000,000 per week while Aden CHs are 50,000,000 to obtain and 15,000,000 per week. The Auctioneer NPC in every town can give you the exact current prices for every Clan Hall.
- Clan Hall Buffer does not cost anything at the moment, as it was an “extra” addition to Clan Halls. I will try to see if we can implement it that way, which would be a lot more interesting.
- This is a common misconception. Clan Hall can be purchased and maintained by Clan Warehouse adena, it does not drain the Leader’s adena. This is why all Clan members should make sure they deposit enough money in the Clan Warehouse every week to maintain it. If there is no more adena for a few weeks, then the Clan is removed from the Clan Hall and the Clan Hall gets placed back for sale (i.e. another Clan can bid on it).
Hope this helps, I’ll update the thread I linked soon as well.
AdministratorMacros don’t work properly at the moment. They are in a very alpha/testing stage but introduce some bugs, so they are disabled.
AdministratorHi, im a new player and i have the first question… yesterday and now its offline, is that normal? always drop like that? or there is a time for restart or something? Cya
Hello and welcome! There’s been a few issues with the server’s connection, hopefully the techs will fix it soon.
By the way, if your message is unrelated to the thread please make a new thread.
AdministratorHello and welcome!
As mentioned in our Server Rules there’s a Global Chat which has replaced (+) Trade Chat ingame.
We don’t like showing online players because that’s privileged information. This is also an extra reason not to go ingame and check if your friends or other players are online if you can just go on the website and check.
Players going away after the first day is not entirely our fault. We could have all those website features and still have low population. It’s a fun thing to code this, but you really have to know how it’s going to help the server. Personally, I don’t think it’ll help at all (I’m also against those things in general, which is why we removed online count etc.) We’ve had “reunion” events in the past and plan on doing more of those, but it all comes down to whether people really want to play and how much. Personally, I don’t mind the low population because population is not the reason I’m still running this server. I’m more than happy with the amount of people who come and have a bit of fun with their friends as well as the people who stick around longer, and I hope this shows.
The distance of shout (!) is the default shout distance, we have replaced trade (+) with global chat.
Hope this helps!
December 16, 2016 at 1:31 pm EET in reply to: Didn't receive verification email for new account #3589silentz0r
AdministratorI’ve sent you a PM so we can continue with this.
Administratorseems that he never played in C1 times when using a soulshot was for dwarfs and rich players hahaha since NPC buffers where added to L2 many classes are left obsolete imo npc buffer ruins l2 every character has his unique thingy in a way to say so if they add 1 npc where you can get all buffs will lead to a warrior vs mage boring server the best of L2 is when you go out with a big party and each player has his unique ability so going to raid or farm or wthver is more fun when you have in party a BD a PP or WC a WK a SWS and a BP or SE and then 1 tank and 1 dd it also gives more fun to the game instead of an amry of F1 users laterz ppl
Completely agree. However, all classes depend way too much on buffs in order to survive solo gameplay, so in a low populated server NPC buffers are sort of necessary evil. So, since we have NPC buffers in Clan Halls (and soon revamped ones in Castles) then what we can do to compensate the redundant buffer classes is give them perks that nobody else can give, and maybe even make them great support classes.
As much as I liked old style gameplay, I hated the fact that without buffs my characters were pretty much useless.
AdministratorI am aware of that. The server doesn’t restart, it’s just the login server that gets shut down and restarted when some checks are made, and until those checks run the server seems to be online but you can’t login. I could increase the frequency of these checks.
Unfortunately this is a necessary evil since we can’t afford a dedicated line and IP for the server at the moment.
December 13, 2016 at 12:50 pm EET in reply to: Didn't receive verification email for new account #3577silentz0r
AdministratorHello and welcome!
If you don’t get your verification email you can’t login to the site, since you don’t have a password yet. Maybe you meant your game account?
In case that’s not it, what email provider are you using (i.e. gmail, hotmail)? Did you check your spam folder?
Also please let me know what the account name is so I can take a look.
AdministratorI think this was re-worked in later Chronicles like you mentioned, but in C3 Soulshots are only used on auto attacks and Spiritshots are used on magic skills.