Forum Replies Created
AdministratorYou mean ALT+F? We had to disable that because it was causing server crashes.
AdministratorThis is a known bug, we are trying to fix this.
AdministratorTOI is next in our list, we will add mobs there soon. Baium is spawned at TOI top floor at least 🙂
AdministratorHi there, thanks for taking the time to report those bugs. All of them are known bugs, so I will reply for each of them. Most of the bugs you mentioned are not really bugs, but simply features of newer chronicles. Remember, this is C3!
1. Trade works, it just sometimes crashes (currently not sure why, probably wrong packets sent). I’ve been told by players that you can trade outside of towns fine, though haven’t checked it myself.
2. Alt+B never worked in C3! This is a much newer feature.
3. Root works fine, try untargeting and re-targeting the NPC and you will see it actually stay in the original position it was meant to be.
4. /unstuck is also a later feature, we might add an “unstuck” skill to every player.
5. Macros are currently experimental, we will try to implement them properly soon
6. The /friendslist bug is only visible to you, this is a similar bug to trading.
7. Max 999 items is the way C3 was originally. It gets less annoying over time!
I hope my response helps, let us know if you find any more bugs!
AdministratorIt’s been posted before, try dragging them to your leg slot instead of right clicking them. This is an old weird bug, some (minor) item names are not displayed.
AdministratorNo problem. Not really complicated, you just have a separate Website and Game account.
AdministratorThat’s a common mistake. You need to register your Game Account separately from your Website Account.
In order to set up your Game Account, click the 3rd button (L2 Control Panel) and set up a password for your game account. After 10-30 minutes, your game account will be created.
AdministratorThis is part of being Old School though 🙂 They look simple because that’s how the game looked back then! Plus, this is extra motivation to work on farming top S grade.
AdministratorYeah definitely, the low level Catacombs/Necropolis are subject to change any time! Thanks for reporting this, I think currently all mobs use Stun as their skill so I will mix their skills!
AdministratorI’m confused a bit. Do you think A grade is currently too expensive or too inexpensive?
AdministratorThis bug has been posted before, all weapons consume whatever they display +1 Soulshot/Spiritshot. So for example, if the weapon says it consumes 2 SS, it will consume 3, and so on.This was a security fix.
AdministratorYeah, I need to manually fix that Clan Hall’s geodata. I’m working on it (it takes a long time to make it work correctly). Until I’m done, just use the Teleport function 🙂 Thanks for reporting this.
AdministratorIf you get that message, then either 1) your account isn’t registered yet, 2) you’re using the wrong password. Let me know if you still have that problem.
AdministratorYou need to press the “>” button to view the other pages with Clan Halls, everything from the first page (and second one I think) has been rented!
AdministratorThe custom shops are there to provide items that aren’t found in other shops, so I didn’t think it would be smart to duplicate items that are already in the standard town shops (such as D grade Armor/Weapons, SoE, non-grade Soulshots and so on).