Forum Replies Created
AdministratorAnd madocter is back, by the name “shurmano”. This time, he simply tells me ingame that he just wants to copy our features and steal our people. I’m not even gonna bother IP banning etc. simply because he doesn’t wanna play here, so he’ll just get another IP to copy our shit.
He wants to be unethical and try to make money out of our ideas. I really hope something terrible happens to him in real life, I don’t understand why there have to be people like himself even in such small communities.
For the record, if you do join his projects I hope you’re not disappointed when he gets your money and shuts it down.
AdministratorCool! If you want to, you can reply with your fix here so that others who have the same problem can easily fix it.
AdministratorAh, you have you bar disabled. Type manually this address, and you can edit your profile, settings and send PMs etc:
Btw, this is how it looks like with the bar enabled:
AdministratorNothing has changed to cause this to happen, maybe you’ve got a new computer? If so, have you installed GPU drivers, directx 9.0c etc.?
Btw, when uploading images use something like:
so you can hot link them like this:
AdministratorThat’s a good idea and it’s been suggested before.
Since L2 is hella outdated and doesn’t provide a lot of areas to “hook” such customized things without exposing the entire database to the public, this is usually not doable (for example we had to create our own registration system to fill such security gaps).
After reading your comment I actually came up with a secure idea which might be possible, I’ll try to think it through and see if it’s possible, secure and non-abusable to implement.
On the other hand, this is an old school server, meaning that people want to play here and search for it, I don’t think we really depend on being at the top of votelists. I might be wrong on that.
You need to manually fill in the recipient’s name every time (even if you click “reply”) which is annoying, but other than that what crush5 said.
AdministratorHello and welcome!
Adding SA’s to items is done via Blacksmith of Mammon in Giran. Currently there are no Bows with SA: Focus, but we are considering adding that SA back to Shining Bow.
Administratorbut what 🙁
AdministratorHey, Dwarves have Recipebooks (which they can level up) and contain all the basic/high material recipes.
AdministratorYou sure?
AdministratorIt is possible, yes. But you would lose a lot of other stats if you tried to reach it.
You basically need:
- Armor set with +Dex
- Class with Passive Crit. Chance
- SA Focus on weapon
- Tattoo of Bravery
- Full buffs
Also finally, Hero Weapons provide higher Critical Chance, and there is a Hero Buff which gives +50% Critical.
So definitely possible to have 100% Crit Rate, but a lot of work 🙂
AdministratorMax. Critical Rate is 1000, which means 100% Critical Chance. Every 10 Rate = 1%, as Baoulettes said, so 500 Critical Rate means 50% Crit. chance.
AdministratorMacros never worked in private C3 servers. There’s a small chance we might be able to get them to work, but they would be very buggy. So choosing between buggy or not at all, we go with not at all 🙂
AdministratorYou need to spoil them: , scroll down to “Catacombs + Necropolis”.