An idea to get more votes

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  • #2664

    So, anyone who likes to play on a private server should vote for it daily. As the reward is that, more people will join the server and you’ll have more people to play with.

    Sometimes this isn’t enough incentive though and people forget to do it daily, I’m guilty too sometimes :x.

    I used to play this private Aion server, I’d say that I’d remember to vote on it 3-4 out of 7 days of the week, mostly the days I’d get time to play.

    One day though, they added this automated reward system and a way to vote through their log-in screen. You would get a small bit of the game currency as a reward for voting daily. Once this happened I found my self voting on days that I didn’t even play :s. Which again, more players should be enough of an incentive, but hey, I guess instant-gratification incentives just push people more.

    I have no idea the difficulty level of something like this to code :s. I just thought it was kind of a neat idea and something that might be considered if it isn’t difficult and is something that the Admin wouldn’t be opposed to.


    That’s a good idea and it’s been suggested before.

    Since L2 is hella outdated and doesn’t provide a lot of areas to “hook” such customized things without exposing the entire database to the public, this is usually not doable (for example we had to create our own registration system to fill such security gaps).

    After reading your comment I actually came up with a secure idea which might be possible, I’ll try to think it through and see if it’s possible, secure and non-abusable to implement.

    On the other hand, this is an old school server, meaning that people want to play here and search for it, I don’t think we really depend on being at the top of votelists. I might be wrong on that.


    Good point on the searching bit :D. Although you still have to look on one of those sites. You guys were the highest c1-c3 server that would give me good ping :D.

    I wanted to experience old school lineage since I never played before interlude :(. Only heard about it from my ex-roommate /best friend.


    interlude/c3 best ever exspansion to the game, i honestly think i liked interlude better, just because of the farming zones…but both great and after interlude everything just went down hill.


    interlude/c3 best ever exspansion to the game, i honestly think i liked interlude better, just because of the farming zones…but both great and after interlude everything just went down hill.

    Definitely agree that things went downhill after interlude. The game just always got more boring for me. I played about 6 months of GoD. It was terrible.. Only fun thing was Oly, I was top 3 ISS and hero 1x on Chronos. Once the botters and RMTers hit 95 though.. it was all over for me lol. I was only level 91 with barely decent gear for that level. The botters RMTers were in +6 R95 gear and had spend 1500-2000 dollars to +15 their R95 top weapons in the cash shop.. I couldn’t compete with all that. They also ran events for these shirts that have you +7 speed and special abilities if you could +++ it enough. Dumb… You needed to spend 1k a month to keep up ROFL.


    ^Introducing free to play people^

    #not so free

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