Forum Replies Created
AdministratorHello 🙂
The rule is there so that people don’t abuse bugs.
We changed starting location to Elven Village since we have a low population, so that new players could get a chance to meet with each other.
Of course all players have the advantage of being naturally intelligent (or at least some of them :p) so they can figure out different ways to do what they want – kill a creep / kill a boss / kill a player / take aggro from a lot of creeps. Sure, you can climb up a hill to kill some creeps below you, that’s not considered cheating. But bugging yourself up an unreachable cliff and then using it to your advantage, that would be cheating. And since we can prevent it, we would never ban someone who reports a bug unless they get caught first.
If someone has come up with a new idea of killing something it’s fine, as long as it doesn’t abuse bugs. And before we start a great analysis on what is considered “bug abuse”, I will put it simply: If you think you’re abusing a bug, you’re abusing a bug. If you don’t think you’re abusing a bug, then it’s fine.
AdministratorThis is just a client bug, Draconic Set is better than Dragon Leather Set. I will change the stats to the correct ones, thanks for noticing 🙂
AdministratorI already have hunter drones with nets to catch em. BRING IT ON GOOGLE?
AdministratorI’ve contacted Google (they are the ones that tagged it), and apparently they think that our patch is malware, because it is an Auto Updater that downloads new files.
I’ve explained it to them, they don’t seem to understand what’s going on.
Administratorsry about that. i will post future question in help & support.
No worries, just understand the difference between an info question and a help question and this thread will be great for other new players who are looking for answers 🙂
AdministratorAbout Tattoos … every Tattoo that you equip gives about minus 5 P Def …
i can confirm on this, i bought 3 and all of them seem to have a -5 p.def. i personaly think it isnt a big deal though. normaly you would habe bigger negate status trade. its just have the client text show the -5 p.def.
i just bought the Avadon Robe Set. it seem not to work. Robe+Gloves+Boots+Cirlet. either the P.def nor the Casting Speed is given. You can please check?
You need to unseal them at the Merchant of Mammon. Please bear in mind that this is a generic “Questions about the server” thread and not a Help thread. If you have any problems or need help with stuff you should post on Help & Support
Administratoris there a way/feature to put gain exp on hold?
Freezing exp gain is actually harder than it sounds, but I’ve been working on a de-level NPC which would also have the option to “freeze” exp gain.
AdministratorNo problem, that’s what the forums are here for. Just try searching as well because there is a lot of stuff that has been answered in the past.
1. Tattoos don’t give negative stats. They’re all good! 😀 If you found one that gives negative stats please report it.
2. Only on retail, private L2OFF C3 didn’t support Dyes (only C4+)
3. No but it’s a nice idea. At the moment we have a C3 Skilldex: , but we should definitely have the same for NPCs and Items. I’ll add it to my todo list.
AdministratorYeah, at the moment it can only be done through the Merchant.
AdministratorYou can buy the quest items from the Shop, however I think we might be changing that to the old quests because they are cool and fun to do 🙂
As far as NPC levels, as Alkien said you can see the minimum and maximum level of NPCs when choosing to teleport from the Gatekeeper, and you can also figure out the level of the NPCs from the color they appear:
(- means lower level than you, + means higher level than you)
- Blue: -9 or more
- Light Blue: -6 to -8
- Green: -3 to -5
- White: -2 to +2
- Yellow: +3 to +5
- Light Red: +6 to +8
- Red: +9 or more
AdministratorYour account is activated, so I guess you figured things out 🙂
AdministratorRun LineageII.exe to update your client again.
AdministratorThis is a long text. It does not serve some specific purpose, other than being a really long phrase of text which would allow us to test it extensively.
Test quote.
AdministratorThis is a long text. It does not serve some specific purpose, other than being a really long phrase of text which would allow us to test it extensively.
AdministratorFirst of all very thoughtful texts from both of you, and thanks for taking the time to write them up. Basically things that both of you said are actually the future of this server, I will try to keep my answers as short as possible:
1) We do have a facebook page but I don’t really write stuff on it. I guess I could link all news articles automatically to be posted on facebook.
2) I consider Videos part of the forum, in the Photos & Videos section. I guess we could have a separate page for “Media”, but it would be a bit chaotic.
3) I agree, Tanks need to be buffed. This is on my to-do list and should be happening soon. I don’t like nerfing classes unless they are insanely overpowered, instead I prefer to buff other classes to mitigate that advantage (it makes the game more fun for everyone to be strong 😉 )
4) Level 70+: Right now, you can farm Catacombs and reach level 74 for max skills. I am planning on releasing the custom Hero System soon, which will make people want to grind up to 80 in order to complete it. Also, there will be a custom farming area for 2-5 man parties, where mobs will be stronger and give more rewards. All in all, people will have interesting things to do after hitting the level 70+ mark.
5) I really like the Cata/Necro idea, as people will choose where to farm based on what they need (XP to reach 80 or AA to add SA’s etc.) It’s on my list.
6) Raids should have 100% to some resistances, because they are raids 🙂 I covered tanks above.
7) New dusk stuff could be added, you know we will add new armors too so sure, why not have new weapons. We’ll do that together 🙂
8) Updating the News NPC is hard, because it needs a server restart – which is why I stopped doing it. I guess I could add updates whenever I restart the server, but any interesting updates are posted here. Also, the NPC has a limit to how much it can show. I was thinking that Zashida could have all the important news (e.g. when a new feature is implemented), so that people read interesting stuff.
9) I know you’ll do things for this server and I really appreciate it, also the players appreciate it without even know it 🙂
10) Donations: I feel like donations are balanced now. Basically, someone who donates can skip some of the grinding (as Twista said), and get to the end-game state right away. Everything can be obtained in game, this is just a way for us to earn a bit of cash to maintain the server. We will also add more cosmetics soon, which might not be obtainable in-game (not sure yet), but as you said this is the point of luxury / cosmetics: they don’t alter gameplay (PvE/PvP), they just look shiny and awesome 🙂
11) Fucking Joffrey :p Thanks.
Twista, we’ve been around for 6 years, I doubt that tomorrow I’ll wake up and say “6 years is enough. Fuck this” :p I understand what you’re saying about “gambling” on the fact that the server might close, but that’s not the case with this server. Server’s here to stay for good, I think 6 years is enough to prove that.
That’s also a funny thing, people keep going to servers that open for a couple of months which are pay-to-win, they donate and then the servers close once the admins have made some money (like that guy I was complaining about who was opening another C3 server and ripping us off). As soon as people realize that this server is here to stay, they will start sticking around.
Server location is also bound to change to a more favorable location for everyone, which would be either EU West or US East (we’ll decide about that when the time comes).
This week I plan on doing a lot of L2OS related work, so keep your ears up and your eyes open 😉