Forum Replies Created
MemberThe max is now at 999. Thats an old C3 setting which, silent said so, will be changed.
MemberSpellsinger: Cancel reusetime is around 1 Minute (faster reuse with higher Casting Speed.) I just checked some sites. Found something on the official Site:
On Chronicle 4 Update list the following Info was given:
The probability that Cancel will remove buffs and debuffs has been considerably reduced, and the reuse time has decreased from 300 seconds to 120 seconds.
That actually means the Reuse of Cancel was 300 seconds on C3.
But with that said, it also means that (and you can read that on the site on some other points too) the official Lineage 2 c3 had fixed reusetimes for every skill. Is there a reason or an setting to change it? I mean alot (around 95%) of the skills reuse depends on the atk/c. speed. However your Attackspeed or your Castingspeed is, the reuse of an skill should stay. The only thing that is able to reduce those is the Valakas Necklace if i remember correctly. Ofc that counts for every class. Daggers, Archer, Mages, Healer, Fighter etc etc.
I tested it with Dash. Its actually working that a Dagger with Dash level 2 and a normal atk speed, such as Dagger + Haste Potion + Tattoo + Normal S Armor could actually spam Dash, which got a reuse of 90 seconds normaly.Rinem
MemberBut hey its fine for, ill just wait untill you go live and let you do all the the testing Jobs. Ill lean back from nowon and see you suffer in the future. And once again Alkien, you are just clueless, but talking. Silent doesnt give out any donation untill people reaches a special point. So longer you guys need, so longer i have to wait. Its not like i get my stuff right from the beginning ^^ But as i said, keep testing your way, ill wait until the server goes live. Until then, im out.
MemberHow can we be half times of the beta? We need to check every class to its endlevel, all skills, balanced betweens classes. checking stats with top equip, checking epic raids etc etc etc…
And sorry, in my eyes dropping while farming against mobs is just against the ideal of Lineage 2. That was actually changed for a good reason on C4. Dropping by dying against Mobs were removed. Its just the biggest SHIT to be afraid of dying while farming, why should that be good for any reason at all? You now say its fine, but i wanna see you losing a Baium Ring because of an serverlag which causes your death and someone else picking it up. What is the matter of farming for weeks when 1 simple serverlag could cost you all that efford?
And again, its not about the lowlevel drops that we need to take care of, but if Raids or any Highmobs got the same problem, dropping stuff twice every time? It needs to get checked and solved. Its the Beta right? So whats the deal to say to every second bug we found “Its no big deal”. IT IS A BIG DEAL. That is what the beta was made for. finding bugs/non correct working stuff, solve it and go on. Prob for the Beta its not that bad, but what use does all that costum stuff have if you can gain enough adena within a hand of days to get yourself S-Grade? People will run out of motivation sooner or later, so keep it hard as f*ck. That means also to fix the Fulldrops.
MemberThe Titanium gives just a Hand of higher boosts. It is like the difference between A and S. Depending on your Class you can still beat someone in Titanium with an A-Set.
MemberMonster Derby Track Race prob ? Or one of the 2 Ship that is starting to sail?
MemberAnd about the Drops. Cant be right at all. The dropchance of an Iron Ore should be 20 times higher as a Bowshaft (Talking about Exe ground) and 15000 times higher as the Bow itself. Got 4 Iron Ores and 16 Bows 😀
Member@ Rinem : no, if it’s anything like retail was, you only have a chance to drop stuff when you die to mobs, not in PvP (as long as you don’t have karma of course).
Yet another oddity I found, in front of dvc, there’s one Bloody Queen that gives double xp. She dies just as fast as the other ones, not sure what’s up with that.
The Tallum*Damascus (top A) duals are missing, is it on purpose ?
Thats basacly right. Now imagine (We are on a freeshard) A Sps against a Tyrant, which both are in a clanwar (i use Sps, i could also say Sorcerer, since he can cancel too, no offence to this clas, this is just one theory, like Stunning a farming player) The Sps is canceling the Tyrant (he dont needs to be flagged, its a clanwar) so those mobs killing him because he lost all of his buffs and drops his gear infront of that clanwared sps, what you belive will happen? And NO, im not afraid of my Donated gear, that have nothing to do with it. Its just that the Official Servers after C3 decided to change it. So only Karmared people can drop, no more dropping by Mobs. Once again i dropped my starting equip when i died by the first mob. That means my char (because it was deep inside a dungeon) was useless, i didnt even had enough money to rebuy a starting equip (xD) Its just against the “Lineage 2” rule that friendly people can drop their stuff too. If i just recalculate that i dropped 4 out of 4 times some of my equip here while playing different chars, im afraid what a Red guy will drop. Never tested it. I just mean, people should drop because they die while farming. “No refound of disapeared items” Thats what the Donation rules says. What happens, once the server laggs, im dying because of it deep inside LoA, dropping my +10 Bow and the Server crashes. A Player that kills others and getting Red knows whats he doing. Gaining Karma over Karma and dying and dropping Stuff is totaly his fault. But dying on a Freeshardmachine, which is laggy 50 times more than official machines (No offense Silent or Tool) and dropping Stuff is just totaly Demotivating. It could happen to everyone of us.
MemberL2 was made for everyone to play. Yet classes such as BD/SWS/PP/SE/EE are also played chars 80% of the time. But also remember, L2 started with THOUSANDS of people at the beginning. Nobody had to worry that Buffer or Dwarf are missing. On a server starting with 5 people you will have that problem. And it will be a huge one. The startings are very “hard” If you miss to buy a SOE, you are stuck whereever you are. To get back you have to get killed. And for some reason you can drop equip when you die without Karma against a mob. So imagine im lebel 16, deep inside elven fortress, forgot to buy a SOE at the very beginning, used my Buffscrolls. The only solution to go back to town is to die. That means looses your Buffscrolls, prob drop part of your equip, like your Bow. The first thing i would do i quit the game. Even on the officials they had /unstuck since c1. Dropping Equip while having no Karma against Mobs is also lame. That results, that you can prob lose Equip in a normal PvP. People will get afraid of PvPing or farming. The only one to drop is a Player with Bunch of Karma.
Member18:52 GMT+2 Server Crashed
MemberI feel like all Partybuffs/healers doesnt flag yourself. Like a Dancer dances while a Party member is flagged, but you will stay white. Same with the heal. Once you healed a Red/flagged player, you will turn flagged yourself. same for OL/Sws/BD/WC Buffs.
Membernot everything need to be commented. Silent asked me to do such thread.
MemberI also would like a wipe.
MemberThere is a problem i talked SIlent about. Its cant be done that cancel only cancels a few Buffs. Its Canceling ALL Buffs to 100% Lading rate and its casted in 1 second and ready again in 1 Minute. There were other ideas like increase the cast time of the skill to like 3 or 4 seconds. or change the landingrate from 100% to another number. Buts thats Silents choise not mine. Still there is alot to get tested and i just write down everything i found. Fair or not is not the question now. Its just incorrect that frenzy holds for only 30 seconds.
MemberLike a sps in Nongrade armor and S weapon can kill a Hero Dagger because of its 100% cancel. Its not about balanced. its simply not correct and need to be changed.