Forum Replies Created
AdministratorDamn, I loved that picture. I still have a backup of those forums, good old times.
Let me guess, you came back and tried every single cheat you could think of, didn’t you?
AdministratorYes, this is fair. Mages have the ability to hit and run, while daggers don’t. Same way a mage can farm higher level mobs and slow them / run away, while melee classes can’t. Each class has a specific purpose. You can’t solo the Raid Bosses with 4 Warsmith and a Bishop either, because Warsmith is not supposed to do that. Treasure Hunter and all daggers are meant for burst damage, not to sustain damage. Tanks are meant to tank (hence the name) but seem to be weak at the moment. As I said, this has been on my list for a while and will be improved.
MP is not an issue, though it might be a good idea to add Body To Mind / Mana Regeneration self buff to more mage classes.
AdministratorThis is expected. You are not supposed to be able to tank a Raid Boss with a dagger. Daggers are meant to do a lot of damage, but also receive a lot of damage. This is why they wear light armor.
AdministratorDaggers are not considered Tanks, sorry if I implied that.
AdministratorBalance is something we’re trying to fix all the time. So, the real problem here is not that Bishop runs out of mana – because he should run out of mana when he spams spells like that. The actual problem is that fighters (mainly Tanks) can’t hold their own against Raid bosses and in PvP in general. Buffing tanks PDefence/MDefence is something I really want to do properly and have been thinking about for a while.
The raid bosses will be tested again and I hope I can find a more viable solution for Tanks so they can actually Tank them, otherwise they seem useless.
AdministratorThe bishop’s mana ended in about 40 seconds. In 4 mages it is good to beat RB, only to find them still)) The problem with MP is also present in Spelsinger. Homunculus sword does not work in SA Conversion.
If mana runs out in 40 seconds, it means that you are spamming your spells. This is expected, and that was the point of the new mana potions: prevent players from spamming spells and making ‘smarter’ gameplay redundant.
For downloading on simple mobs, this works. Spellsinger does not have any options.
Spellsinger has a mana recovery buff that he can only use on himself.
As I said before changing the mana potions to the old “instant” style is not an option. If current mana recovery is too low maybe we can discuss increasing that, or even introducing new ways to restore mana (e.g. increase mana recovery while sitting down).
AdministratorThis information is a lot more useful, thanks for sharing it. How quick did the Bishop run out of mana?
By the way, people have managed to kill Raid bosses with 4 mages and no healer, all spells. I think they had to run back for buffs and mana 3 times (3 x 30 minutes).
Now that I think about it, possibly Body To Mind could be useful for Bishop as well.
AdministratorIt is also 1 command to summon in-game items, 1 button to shut down the server, 1 command to drop the database and lose everyone’s data. This is not a matter of whether I can change things or how easy/hard they are to do, but if they should be like that. Old mana potions were too overpowered so we definitely won’t have them exactly like that. I will think about other possible ways, but I still think the current mana potions are sufficient.
If I may ask, what are you trying to do with your bishop? Are you trying to solo a raid boss with 1 fighter and spam heal with the Bishop?
AdministratorIt depends on what you’re trying to do. If you spam abilities, you will run out of mana.
Mana Potions used to be the way you used (instant) and mana was irrelevant, because when you ran out of mana you could just spam mana potions. So we redesigned them to recover mana over time. This way mana & mana recovery makes more sense, and it also gives Elven Elder & Shillien Elder classes a place in the game (with their mana recharge ability). I’m working on a possible buff to those classes, perhaps AoE mana recharge or buff that recharges more mana over time, as well as a possible mana recharge item which requires you to sit down so you can replenish your mana.
But I don’t think increasing mana over time on the current mana potions makes sense. Don’t forget that mana is a resource, if you have unlimited mana there’s no point in having it in the first place.
AdministratorI’m not sure if the requirement is 600 C gems, but we’ve had flags on sieges. Maybe you were not standing on the correct territory? @Alkien can you confirm this?
AdministratorAre you sure? I’ve specifically added code so that it works on those bosses (looking at it right now).
Edit: I just saw your second comment.
AdministratorI’ve said this before about magic critical damage, it is not fully implemented yet. So Valakas necklace doesn’t give any chance for magic crits.
AdministratorYep, this happens sometimes. I’ll try to find a way to automate a restart when it happens.
AdministratorSoulshots get bugged from time to time, gets fixed as soon as the server restarts. Nothing to worry about!
AdministratorYou mean “lock” a character’s XP so that they don’t gain any more levels? It has been thought of but not implemented.