Forum Replies Created
AdministratorHey, I assume you’ve waited over 30 minutes for your account to be activated. There was an issue with yesterday’s update which I’ve just fixed, so try updating your client again.
AdministratorHello and welcome!
There was an error in yesterday’s update that I’ve just fixed, so try updating again. As far as NA players go, Twista is really active.
AdministratorHey, kick doesn’t work on stuck characters. This has only happened a few times before so we need some help to figure out what’s causing this. What were you doing when this happened?
AdministratorThere’s a post on the main page about downtime.
Administrator1 4m 1337 h4x3r, 1 h4x 3v3ry0n3
AdministratorThe server is running. Your game account was successfully registered a few minutes ago, I manually checked. There haven’t been any errors on the Account Creation system, so I assume you hadn’t set a password for your game account.
AdministratorSince you’ve posted about being unable to log-in, I’ll assume that this issue was fixed. In case it’s not, look through our forums for a Critical Error FAQ.
AdministratorIf you get the “L2.exe has stopped” error that’s different from a critical error. It’s an alt-tab issue. Maybe your windows auto-updated or something, but still as I said you need to:
Also try focusing the chat window (Press Enter) before tabbing out of the game.
So when you tab out (whether it is minimize window or alt-tab) the chat window is focused.
AdministratorUpdater looks great, I only have a few concerns about having to install a lot of 3rd party software. I like keeping things clean, like our current updater simply replacing the default original updater.
The changelog idea and option idea are awesome as well!
AdministratorHi, I just checked trading and it works just as it used to – occasional crashes after the trade has been confirmed, so this is an issue on your end.
As Baoulettes said, this is most probably a change in your PC that is causing you to crash. Provide all the info he asked for and hopefully we can find out what’s causing this.
Also try focusing the chat window (Press Enter) before tabbing out of the game.
AdministratorMy attitude, huh? Here you are, coming in my forum and calling me stupid. Take a moment and realize this, talking about attitudes. I dunno why you think that I live in my own reality, maybe because my char is sitting on that ledge glowing.
Even though I never used the phrase “use forum, you idiot”, I probably should have though, after I specifically told you over 10 times (not exaggerating) within 2-3 minutes to use the forums and you still wouldn’t. The rest of your quotes are really dumb, and misquoting is a really shitty thing to do.
I spend my time to run, fix & maintain this server for free for everyone, just to have people like you come online when they’re in a bad fucking mood and tell me how I don’t care about anything and I don’t fix bugs, I kiss Hyperion’s ass and live in the Bahamas drinking mojitos with all the money I don’t make form the server. What’s also funny is that even Hyperion and myself have had our setbacks and fights over things, but people see a fully equipped character and they instantly assume that’s it has somehow something to do with the admin, not that the player has been here ever since the server was up (yes, he is one of the oldest players). This is a project myself and toolpunk decided to start years ago, knowing we won’t be making money out of it, simply because we really loved this era of the game.
I’m really sorry that you made a topic about Aegis stance and skills like those, which aren’t top of the list in importance to fix and might have got overlooked. This is our project after all, and what’s first to be fixed is our decision. That’s not something that is up for discussion, either like it or not. I would post my 950+ lines of Bug Fixes (fixed and pending) as proof, but I don’t need to prove nothing to nobody. Every bug report is put into our to-do list, it would be just dumb not to (I’ll let you figure this one out).
Imagine how badly you pissed me off in order for me to call you those things. Just for a second, try to think how annoyed and angry someone must be with your stupid behavior to rage like this. I was trying to speak to you once again, and you were being an impossible little kid with your threats and the “go ahead, ban me” attitude. I don’t tolerate this kind of crap towards me, and thankfully I have the power to do something about it. Just like the topic you’re referencing with our discussion. If you don’t understand that your behavior was shitty then I’m really sorry but there’s nothing I can do. I wasn’t even planning on banning you, as long as you would help me identify the Bug (which I also told you). But as soon as I ported to you you were being annoying and completely uncooperative and I had no time to deal with whatever you though you would achieve, so I gave you an ultimatum: You got caught. Either cooperate or get banned. You chose the latter, we all moved on.
“Just started to play like everyone else”
Everyone else has reported possible bugs they found, all you’ve done was one lousy random rant on the forums (after I begged you for a Bug Report) where 10% of it was Bug Report and 90% telling us how to do our job.We’ve been around long enough to know how to deal with copyrights, so you can drop that subject.
Don’t try and justify what you did because it’s not a matter of right or wrong. Just understand that you got caught fucking up and just move on. You weren’t trying to help, because you never reported or PM’d me about that bug, you simply abused it. If you scroll through these forums (which, for your information are our 3rd forums and are lacking content) you could find endless Bug Reports and posts by me underneath saying “Fixed” or “Need to look into this more”. So tell me again how I do not care about Bug Reports, when I specifically asked you more than 10 times in one conversation to do that.
I don’t care to make enemies online, especially here in a community that I’ve tried very hard to create. You made up a storyline in your head, in which your enemy is the evil silentz0r, and have lived by it ever since. Just try to remember how many times you’ve begged me to ban you, and how many times I told you to grow up and didn’t punish you.
Finally, if you think other people are abusing bugs, be specific about it. Right now, you are neither reporting bugs nor reporting players abusing bugs, so there’s nothing I can do with that information.
I’m also asking anyone else (mainly Baoulettes and Hyperion whose names have been in this thread) to take time and have a say in here.
AdministratorCool thread, but here’s what’s really happening here.
So, you first started irritating me when you were spamming me ingame about bugs, when I was specifically telling you that this is what the Forums’ Bug Section is for. You completely ignored anything I said to you, you just said your own thing. That would be reason enough for me to mute you, but I didn’t. I gave you another chance.
Then one day you raged like a retard ingame, and _specifically_ asked me to ban you. I did not, I let it pass, even though you still didn’t listen to a word I said.
Then a lot of people started telling me about you annoying them in some way. I still did not take any action, and told them one by one to deal with you as best as they could.
Then you exploited a bug, and got banned (which you actually wanted to in the first place) and all of a sudden you remembered to tell me about all these other people abusing bugs and how they’re not playing fair. You see how that makes you look like, right?
And then you tell me how I don’t fix bugs – how nice of you. I’ve spent the past 6+ years fixing bugs every fucking day, so please, come tell me how I don’t care about this server. Of course the server has bugs, because it’s an old fucking game. Do what I ask you, report them PROPERLY and help me fix them for you. After all, it’s a free server. That’s right, FREE. You’re not paying me anything, and I’m hosting this server for you out of my own fucking money, and spend my time fixing bugs for you. So, please, tell me how I’m a cheater and stuff.
LOL at your “Rules were changed for Hyperion comments”. This is just sad. The rules were changed yesterday, because dual-boxing out of town is actually allowed, I had forgotten to update the rules and someone asked me about it online. You can also read a rule that mentions that we will change the rules without formerly notifying everyone, because obviously that wouldn’t work.
About your whole “Bug Users” rant, I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again, make EXPLICIT bug reports so I can work with them. If you can’t do that, then don’t complain about bugs.
As far as your little stolen stuff threat, most of it is wrong so cry away, nobody’s gonna listen to you. Let me break it down for you:
1. No stolen code is used.
2. No stolen code is used.
3. Actually, the players are using the client, not me.
4. You have the modified client, which you run, not me.
5. We do not gain a profit, as I’ve said a million times I pay for this service out of my own salary.Also, L2 has gone Free-to-Play so good luck with your investigation against an outdated and old server.
But again, funny how you only remembered all this after you got banned, tells a lot about you. You were willing to look away while you were enjoying the free service, but as soon as something goes wrong you’re ready to run to mom & dad. Pathetic.
Flying high and all that bullshit can stay out of this conversation, if you think I’m not doing things fair then speak about them openly, as I do. Funny you should call me a cheat and stuff, most people can tell you that I’m probably one of the most honest admins this game has ever seen.
Me and toolpunk have been working on this server for free to provide and old school C3 server for free, and all you have done is complain and abuse bugs instead of properly reporting them, and them blaming us for not fixing the bugs which you never reported in the first place.
You are an impossible person to speak to, you never listen to anything anyone has to tell you, you just mumble your own thing. And that’s what pissed me off the most. I was asking you if you abused a bug, and all you had to say was how this server is full of bugs and how everyone sucks around here.
If we suck so much, do yourself a favor and go away. I’m also not sure what the point of your topic was, but that’s generally the case with you.
AdministratorLooks really cool man! Is that actually an armor/dress from a newer Chronicle? If so, do you have a link to it?
AdministratorWas about to say that whenever the login is unresponsive, it’s 99% a network issue. Either on the player’s end, or on the server’s end. Glad you fixed it, see you online!