Forum Replies Created
AdministratorI always try to listen to what people want around here so I’ll plan another event for next weekend (I will add it on the website’s events too so people can convert to their local time). Hopefully people will enjoy this 🙂
AdministratorAs Alkien said we used to have events pretty regularly. We even have an event platform on the website as well (as you can see on the homepage sidebar) but I just haven’t made plans for events thus far because it’s hard to get everyone online at a specific time when there’s different timezones.
Getting people from different timezones online at the same time can be a bit hard.
AdministratorHello and welcome! It can be confusing, I have updated the Downloads page to briefly explain that there are two different accounts – a Website Account and a Game Account. Hopefully this helps others! See you ingame.
AdministratorI’ve added us to L2top200, thanks for letting me know. As far as Vote Reward system it’s not hard to implement as long as those websites provide an API (which I’m pretty sure they don’t) so we can verify each vote and reward the user. But unfortunately I’m pretty sure they don’t have APIs (I’ll look more into it), so we’re stuck with a “if we reach X amount of votes this day/week/month everyone gets something” system which is pretty lame in my opinion.
AdministratorCloaks do indeed increase mana regen., but it’s not their final effect (it might change for some or even all of them). Reporting it is enough for now, I can take care of adding the proper description 🙂
AdministratorAs Baoulettes said, simplest thing is to report whatever you find (like you just did with Cloaks) so it can get fixed eventually 🙂
AdministratorBack in the starting days of L2OS we used to need Spellbooks in order to learn skills, then we removed them and just kept the Trader as an antique 🙂
AdministratorHaven’t had a chance to reply to this, but I agree with a lot said in here. Raids kind of need to get reworked (if not current raids, the new ones). Tanks, healers & buffers also need boosts to be playable.
AdministratorI’m pretty sure this is working. If you tried to target the player you wanted to switch to the party leader, try typing their name next to the command, e.g. /changepartyleader silentz0r
I’ll note this down to take a look at it closer.
AdministratorHey, could you be a bit more specific? We have several features for stuck / exploit prevention which might be interfering with what you’re trying to do. If you could, tell me what/where you were trying to go and how, and if it worked otherwise on older servers. Coordinates from /loc are a huge help for me to debug 🙂
AdministratorHey thanks for this, it was done a long time ago since there was no more space on Alexis’ other sell lists, I’ll see if I can fit them somewhere!
AdministratorWe don’t have working Symbols, we have the old style “Tattoos” which are way more powerful 🙂 Check out Trader Woodley in Giran.
AdministratorAh I see, the wrong NPC is there. Fixed, should work after next server restart, thanks for the report 🙂
AdministratorThe Buffer should already be in the Clan Hall. If it’s not, go to your Clan Hall, type “/loc” and give me the coordinates of your Clan Hall so I can check it out, but I remember checking all Gludio Clan Halls and they were in the CH and working fine.
AdministratorAre you talking about NPC Buffer? There are buffers in Clan Halls, and Newbie Buffers in starting Towns. We might update Newbie Buffers to give better buffs and also buff you up until a higher level (like 40 or 50).
Post are dated from so long ago simply because the server’s been around for quite a while 🙂 It should be a positive thing.