Forum Replies Created
Memberinterlude/c3 best ever exspansion to the game, i honestly think i liked interlude better, just because of the farming zones…but both great and after interlude everything just went down hill.
Definitely agree that things went downhill after interlude. The game just always got more boring for me. I played about 6 months of GoD. It was terrible.. Only fun thing was Oly, I was top 3 ISS and hero 1x on Chronos. Once the botters and RMTers hit 95 though.. it was all over for me lol. I was only level 91 with barely decent gear for that level. The botters RMTers were in +6 R95 gear and had spend 1500-2000 dollars to +15 their R95 top weapons in the cash shop.. I couldn’t compete with all that. They also ran events for these shirts that have you +7 speed and special abilities if you could +++ it enough. Dumb… You needed to spend 1k a month to keep up ROFL.
MemberThe L2oldskool button is like right below your browser address line. You don’t have it? I’m using Chrome :s. Maybe it makes a difference if you’re using something else, I dunno lol.
MemberGood point on the searching bit :D. Although you still have to look on one of those sites. You guys were the highest c1-c3 server that would give me good ping :D.
I wanted to experience old school lineage since I never played before interlude :(. Only heard about it from my ex-roommate /best friend.
MemberThrough the forums? Click on the top left button, “L2 OldSkool C3.” Then on the left there will be some options, 4th one down or so is messages. You can send one there. Hope that is what you were asking for :s.
MemberI can give you some adena if you see me in-game (char name Midona ;))
😀 That is nice of you. I’ll be ok though. I suppose I really don’t need adena for anything atm. It was just a bummer at the time lol. I’ll just have to be careful from now on lol.
Thank you for the PM reply Silent, I tried to reply but I don’t think it sent :s. I’m pretty tired atm (Physics and Calc final coming up), so I probably just did something silly and cancelled it. Just wanted to thank you for the reply.
MemberOuch… Well that isn’t good news. I found a post about 7 years old on an L2 forum and thought that maybe that was around c3 :s, guess not. Sucks I pissed away probably 70 mil lol, not chump change to a relatively new person haha. Oh well… D: