About silentz0r

Server owner and such.

Thursday Newsflash! (List of new features)

Hey everyone,

people who have been around a long time might remember our “Friday Newsflashes” back in 2009, where we would post the past week’s news and events that took place. This is the first version of our 2013/14 Newsflashes, which won’t be set on a standard basis but will be coming rather randomly for now.
It’s been a long time since I gave some status updates on features and fixes added on the server, so here is a list of some of the features we worked on and added recently (I suggest everyone reads this):

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Happy New Year wishes & News!

Hello everyone, Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a blast during the holidays. As you may have seen in the past there was a lot of requests for higher buff times. We made a poll to leave it up to the community, and finally the results are the following:

Yes: 78% (43 Votes)
No: 22% (12 Votes)

It seems pretty clear that most of you would like to see higher buff times. Therefore after the next restart Dances and Songs will also last 30 minutes. This is not permanent, however, so people who voted “No” shouldn’t worry too much.
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Silentz0r’s accident & News

Hey guys,

I had an accident 4 days ago and I’ve been in the hospital, having surgery on my left arm, and therefore was unable to take care of the server at all. I’m now back, have finished some work on the server and it’s properly up and running again. I will be updating raids and low level catacombs this week, so stick around!

Thanks for the support,

Online News & Buff Poll

Hey everyone,

We have noticed a lot of new players coming in the server, but they have trouble meeting with other players and feel like they are alone. In the past two months we’ve had more than 300 new users, yet the online count is still the same. This is why we have Elven Village the default starting point for all classes (for now), so that new players will get to meet each other and maybe hunt around together a bit. This will not be permanent, it is just a measure to get our members to meet each other! (Click “Continue Reading” below to vote for buffs)

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Weekly maintenance & News!

Hey everyone,

it’s time for our weekly maintenance, the server will be offline for 20-40 minutes while we maintain it. In the meantime, please take the time to vote and submit any questions/bugs on the forums!

Raids and Sieges will be up soon, so make sure you get farmed/prepared for them!

See you online!