Forum Replies Created
Memberthanks mate 🙂
Memberi just have fixed my pc so i can run c3 and server is just down? come on maaaaaannn….
MemberOS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
CPU: AuthenticAMD Unknown processor @ -1349 MHz with 2046MB RAM
Video: ASUS EAH5450 Series (7279)all is up to date…
Memberyes i did all the actions i should do, i ‘ve readed the post tones of times and i still belive something i am doing wrong… i got installed client on 3 pc and 3 of them the same error’s…
MemberNegative delta time!
History: UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
and i bit later on another one pc got this one…
Memberi did tones of times and i have this prob… :
Internal error occured
Memberi have the same error here, i tryed to run l2os.bat and i have this error’s :
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>L2.bat
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>REM Check Windows Version
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>ver | findstr /i “5\.0\.” 1>nul
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>if 1 EQU 0 goto ver_2000
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>ver | findstr /i “5\.1\.” 1>nul
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>if 1 EQU 0 goto ver_XP
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>ver | findstr /i “5\.2\.” 1>nul
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>if 1 EQU 0 goto ver_2003
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>ver | findstr /i “6\.0\.” 1>nul
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>if 1 EQU 0 goto ver_Vista
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>ver | findstr /i “6\.1\.” 1>nul
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>if 0 EQU 0 goto ver_Win7
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>echo Windows7
Windows7C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>goto BatchGotAdmin
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>REM –> Check for permissions
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>”C:\Windows\system32\cacls.exe” “C:\Window
s\system32\config\system” 1>nul 2>&1C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>REM –> If error flag set, we do not have
admin.C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>if ‘0’ NEQ ‘0’ (
echo Requesting administrative privileges, please wait…
goto UACPrompt
) else (goto gotAdmin )C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>if exist “C:\Users\maria\AppData\Local\Tem
p\getadmin.vbs” (del “C:\Users\maria\AppData\Local\Temp\getadmin.vbs” )C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>pushd “C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\syst
em”C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>CD /D “C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\syst
em\”C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>if exist “C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe” SET
SYSDIR=”C:\Windows\SysWOW64″C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>goto STEP0
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>SET L2DIR=C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\s
ystem\C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>ECHO Current directory: C:\Program Files\L
ineage II C3\system\
Current directory: C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system\C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>if not exist “C:\Program Files\Lineage II
C3\system\\l2.exe” goto ERR2C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>CD SYSTEM
The system cannot find the path specified.C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>if not exist “\rsaenh.dll” goto ERR3
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>COLOR 0C
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>echo.
C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>echo. “\rsaenh.dll” could not be found.
“\rsaenh.dll” could not be found.C:\Program Files\Lineage II C3\system>pause SET /P ANSWER=Should i try to execut
e L2.exe (y/n)?
Press any key to continue . . .what i can do now ?
Memberhello ppl i am new around here too and i realy cant start playing again on c3 client… thanks for that…
MemberRequesting account