Forum Replies Created
ModeratorI think Silentz0r should look into this … I personally have never crafted Draconic Set, but I cannot imagine it is worse than the c3 S set. Many people before have been using it and I think no one has complained about it so far. Can you write the stats of your character (without any buffs) with both armors equipped here, please? Want to see the comparison if possible.
Also, keep in mind that Draconic armor is not made the way that all your character’s stats will increase with wearing that armor. All 3 S sets are made (or they should be anyway, really do not know how it is with light armor) so that their increase in overall statistics is more or less balanced. The equation C3 set > C4 set > Titanium Set should however still apply. What I am trying to say:
For a mage, wearing c3 The Robe Set means less casting but better M Atk than DC (A grade) set … when a person crafts c4 MA Robe Set it gets about the same M Atk as with c3 Set but also some extra casting (about the same as with DC set) – therefor, this means that crafting is beneficial cause person gets the casting bonus equal to best A grade armor set + M Atk bonus equal to M Atk from c3 S set … To conclude, crafting c4 Set is a good idea.
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorHello and welcome. 🙂
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorAbout Tattoos … every Tattoo that you equip gives about minus 5 Â P Def … Don’t know how and why it happens but it does. Otherwise if you see a reduction in any of stats (usually P def, Atk Spd and Cast Spd), it is the result of your character not being the right grade yet. However, if you are the right grade, there should only be positive effect added to your stats.
About Drops … the only thing you should worry about getting dropped from mobs is adena (even that gets useless at higher levels though). When you will reach the point of the game, where materials are needed, create a spoiler (or two spoilers) and gather everything you need. The server has custom spoil list (can be found here) and you can gather materials this way very quickly.
Hope this helps and see you soon. 🙂
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorCool questions, let me answer. 🙂
1. Weapons can be safely enchanted to +3, armors (gloves, boots, helmet, upper and lower parts) can be enchanted to +4 safely and one-piece armor can be safely enchanted to +5 … jewelry can (just like weapons) only be safely enchanted to +3.
2. No competition on SS selling, cause SS of any and all grade can be bought in a Shop (Giran – Woodrow).
3. You can buy almost all armors and weapons in a shop. However! S grade is a bit different. Weapons first – you can craft weapons or get them with killing raid bosses … even then you need to put SA on them, for which you need lots of catacombs and necropolis hunting to gather Ancient Adena needed. Armors – currently there are 3 S grade armors implemented on this server. 1st armor set we call C3 S set – it is a bit better than A grade and also buyable in a speacial shop in Giran. 2nd armor set C4 S set (cause it has c4 textures, not bonuses though) is better than the 1st one and has to be crafted. Some spoiling needed and Crafter lvl 64 (maybe 62 – not totally sure now). The 3rd S grade set is called Titanium Set and can only be obtained with killing raid bosses and even then the process is long, but it is worth it. It is the best armor the server has to offer (at the moment anyway – soon we will have Hero quest and who knows what will happen – Silentz0r will have to explain that when time comes).
4. This server has no such feature, BUT as you select Gatekeeper to port to different areas, it shows you the level of mobs that will be there. I guess that helps a lot as well to decide where to experience next.
If you have any more questions about the server and/or game play, write here or PM Alkien in game – will be happy to answer.
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorWelcome, Neon.
Looking forward to seeing you in game. 🙂
As for the PvP – no worries, at the moment there is none. And yes, I agree – PvE for the win. 🙂
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
To bid for CH you have to talk to Auctioneer, select the desired CH and give the amount of adena you want to bid for that CH.
Note: The adena needs to be in the Clan Warehouse before you can bid. The Auctioneer will take the adena from a Clan Warehouse and not from leader’s inventory.
After the successful bid you need to wait till the specified date and hour and if you are the clan with the best bid (highest amount of adena), the CH will be yours.
Good luck!
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorDid you wait for your account to be activated? Takes about 20 minutes after account creation for an account to be actually activated.
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorI am wondering the same thing … o.O
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorAgile Movement Passive in c3 increases attack speed and accuracy. The increase is not major at all, but the boost is nice and welcome. The description is slightly off though cos it say increases speed. Tyrant’s speed in general is very high already so the boost to attack speed is actually a better thing all in all. You can check the boost again at level 40 (Agile Movement level 2), when you shall be tyrant and you will see that the boost happens, it just isn’t a very huge one. 🙂
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorI exist as well! 🙂 You are also welcome to join our clan if you wish. PM me or Moira in game for clan invite. Also, if you need any help, you are free to ask.
And welcome! 🙂
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorI, personally, like the idea a lot. However, if I am not mistaken Silentz0r is working on a new custom zone with hard core mobs and they shall probably drop kinky stuff like S grade. 🙂 Silentz0r, yes, no? 😛
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorHello and welcome! I am online almost every day. 🙂
PM Alkien or Arienna in game for clan invite. We will be happy to have you. 🙂
(If you see me there and I do not respond, heal me or make strange noises near me so that I hear you – I can often be AFK, doing something in the background with my clients minimized.)
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorThat looks pretty sick actually. 🙂 Just don’t know how I “helped” at this at all? 😀
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorWhen/IF you have time … check please Human Male Mage Titanium Robe armor. It is acting very funny. 😀
You can see through Shoes (they look transparent) for some reason and when only Tunic or/and only Stockings are equipped – the armor is displayed very oddly. Check and you will see what I mean. Talked to Silentz0r about it already. 🙂
Thanks for the fixes in advance! 😉
(BTW Alkiena is no more – gone forever … and Alkien was born.) 😀
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
ModeratorTry doing this:
Be sure to play in Windowed Mode (not Full screen).
When you want to go on Forum or switch between characters on different accounts/clients, be sure to first Minimize the current Lineage 2 window and then open a new one. Always make sure you always have only 1 window maximized. This way you will never get critical errors. It always works for me. I bet there are other solutions though. 😛
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.