About silentz0r

Server owner and such.

[COMPLETED] Scheduled Downtime (March 7th 2017)!

Hey everyone,

we’ll be having some network maintenance on March 7th in early morning (European Timezones) for approximately 1-2 hours. The purpose of the downtime is to fix a lot of disconnects that we’ve been having as well as standard weekly server maintenance. Once maintenance is over the disconnects should be much less frequent.

I will update this post as soon as the maintenance has begun and when it’s over.

Update: The issue has been finally resolved. There have been no network disconnects in the past 9 days, and it seems like there won’t be any daily ones anymore.

See you ingame,

Festive Spirit 2016

Hello everyone,

just like every year we’ve set up our awesome Christmas trees in Giran. One of the trees may be have some hidden presents so search carefully! Also make sure your ingame volume is all the way up so you can listen to the annoying Giran theme while celebrating 🙂

Happy Holidays!

Suggestions & Feedback

Hey everyone,

it’s time to listen to the community. We are looking for ways to improve gameplay for everyone, and in order to do that we need your ideas and thoughts on the server. Come join us on the forums, where I’ve created a thread for everyone to post their ideas and suggestions and/or improvements. Join the discussion here: https://l2oldskool.org/forums/topic/suggestions-feedback-thread/

Hope to hear some great ideas!