About silentz0r

Server owner and such.

[COMPLETED] Server Maintenance (24/6/2016)

Hey everyone,

there seems to be a power outage on our server. I will update this post with further information.

Once the server comes back online I also plan on doing some routine maintenance.

UPDATE: It seems like we’ll have a bit more downtime, currently still unknown how long.

UPDATE #2: The server will be back online in approximately 2-4 hours.

UPDATE #3: The server is back online, see you ingame!


Christmas Spirit No More!

Hello everyone,

with the new year settling in, the Christmas trees will be removed from Giran after the next server restart. So, happy new year to everyone, may this year bring us more armors, weapons, skills, events, quests, new zones, new features and new people! Maybe some of those are coming sooner than later 😉

See you all ingame,

Updates & Fixes

Hello everyone,

today we had several updates on the server, here’s a small changelist:

  • Gludin & Dion Clan Halls are finally fixed! This means, you can walk in and out of your Clan Hall (if you own one in those areas). With this fix, all Clan Halls should be working.
  • All Clan halls prices & rent have been increased (based on clan hall quality).
  • Level 80 and 100% is now reachable, as Level 80 EXP tables were fixed.
  • Change start points of all classes to original ones (Human in Talking Island, Dark Elves in Dark Elven Village etc.)
  • Catacombs: Nephilim mobs now give 30% more EXP, but drop fewer rewards.


I’m doing a little bit of post-update maintenance on the server, it should be up in a few minutes.
That’s all for now, more updates coming soon!
