New Donation Lottery System, Celebration Event & Client Update

Hey everyone,

exciting news, our brand new Donation Lottery has gone live. In the next section I’ll be explaining (briefly) how the Lottery works, what are the possible rewards and where it can be found.

There is also a new client update, so make sure you use the updater! The Client Update includes: New Icons for several items, new items, bug fixes (incorrect names).

Read below for the Donation Lottery mini-tutorial, and the Celebration Event (next Saturday at 6:00 PM Server Time, forum thread here).

The Donation Lottery is a betting system for a chance to win a random high level item including all donation items, Lottery-exclusive rewards and Lottery Tokens. By betting 1 Donation Token, you either win 1 high level item or Lottery Tokens. You can play the Lottery using 1 Donor or 5 Lottery Tokens (when you use Lottery Tokens you don’t win any Lottery Tokens back, only a chance to win items). Lottery Tokens can be exchanged for consumables and unique prizes, such as Blessed Enchants, XP & SP Scrolls (new item), Teleport Scrolls to specific Towns / Areas (new item), Masks and many more to come soon.

The Donation Lottery can be found on the Donation Shop in Giran Castle Town, where you can read all the rules and view every possible reward / trade items. The Lottery Ticket Trade system will be implemented soon, and many more exclusive prizes will be added in time on the Lottery (either by exchanging Tokens or by Playing).

In celebration of our brand new Lottery System, we invite everyone to join us this Saturday afternoon/evening (time to be announced) for a fun event where everyone will receive a few Lottery Tokens to play the Lottery for free! More information about the event in this thread!

Finally, donations are semi-automated, so when you donate make sure you include your character’s name in the text field provided, or send an email to with the PayPal Transaction ID and the Character’s Name. After an administrator reviews your donation you will automatically get your Donor Tokens on your character (whether the char is online or not).

We hope you are as excited as we are for our new features,
See you ingame!

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