Forum Replies Created
Membertheone 😀
Memberyes i am useing your client i update the client. still cant see or pick up anythink
Memberi think dances and songs will be better if have more then 5 min.
Memberthis week?? so beta open at 14/7, last day of this week 😛
Memberok i download drivers and finaly work ty for the help. tekos:Δεν ξέρω ακόμη, μόλις ανοίξει ο beta θα δω ^^
Memberok i already have directx but i have a problem my graphic driver is need active code and i dont dont want to pay….
Member there is the internal error.
Memberno i had this Internal error agian 🙁
MemberC:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>REM Check Windows Version
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>ver | findstr /i “5\.0\.” 1>nul
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>if 1 EQU 0 goto ver_2000
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>ver | findstr /i “5\.1\.” 1>nul
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>if 1 EQU 0 goto ver_XP
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>ver | findstr /i “5\.2\.” 1>nul
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>if 1 EQU 0 goto ver_2003
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>ver | findstr /i “6\.0\.” 1>nul
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>if 1 EQU 0 goto ver_Vista
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>ver | findstr /i “6\.1\.” 1>nul
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>if 0 EQU 0 goto ver_Win7
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>echo Windows7
Windows7C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>goto BatchGotAdmin
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>REM –> Check for permissions
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>”C:\Windows\system32\cacls.exe” “C:\W
indows\system32\config\system” 1>nul 2>&1C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>REM –> If error flag set, we do not
have admin.C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>if ‘0’ NEQ ‘0’ (
echo Requesting administrative privileges, please wait…
goto UACPrompt
) else (goto gotAdmin )C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>if exist “C:\Users\F161~1\AppData\Loc
al\Temp\getadmin.vbs” (del “C:\Users\F161~1\AppData\Local\Temp\getadmin.vbs” )C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>pushd “C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage
II C3\system”C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>CD /D “C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage
II C3\system\”C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>if exist “C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe
” SET SYSDIR=”C:\Windows\SysWOW64″C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>goto STEP0
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>SET L2DIR=C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Linea
ge II C3\system\C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>ECHO Current directory: C:\Users\νεος
\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system\
Current directory: C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system\C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>if not exist “C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\L
ineage II C3\system\\l2.exe” goto ERR2C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>CD SYSTEM
Το σύστημα δεν είναι σε θέση να εντοπίσει την καθορισμένη διαδρομή δίσκου.C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>if not exist “\rsaenh.dll” goto ERR3
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>COLOR 0C
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>echo.
C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>echo. “\rsaenh.dll” could not be foun
“\rsaenh.dll” could not be found.C:\Users\νεος\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>pause SET /P ANSWER=Should i try to e
xecute L2.exe (y/n)?
Πιέστε ένα πλήκτρο για συνέχεια. . .User12
Member here is a screenshot
Member1) L2.bat 2) no the same when i run l2.exe i have this Internal error and when i run l2os i have this error, tittle: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe when it go at C:\Users\new\Desktop\Lineage II C3\system>REM–> If error flag set, we do not have admin (all become red and then close).
MemberYes but every time i run l2.exe i have this internal error.
Member here and before he error
Memberfile:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/1373464626180.jpg here is the error. Before the error show me that file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/1373464629571.jpg (the error is :The system is not able tο find the path specified hard drive.
Memberat my friend pc that client work fine and he have windows 7 home premium