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login: slimzp
slimzpMemberесть тут русские)))
slimzpMemberwill get used)))
slimzpMembertemporarily put on sale ancient adena I need to buy a print sa DK
slimzpMemberadd this site after the Russian rating you’ll add them on the site
Banner make it there, I’ll upload
(Maximum of 50 kb, size: 468 * 60 pixels, allowed file types: png, jpg, gif; Banners displayed only servers Elite category and above, as well as in almost opened servers)and more kindly requested to make a description of your server, it is also necessary
slimzpMember<font><font>Сотовый BAFF? </font><font>Вы имеете в виду клан холл баффы?</font></font>
I Havkeye and only 22 slots for this little buff buff nerebivaetsya even using a jar of life lost one buff is still pvp let it be 35 slots
slimzpMemberand about the Russian client and IM is not a question I can afford!
slimzpMemberand yet many people do not stay on the server because no NPC buff! the reason that people do not want to play in the 3-4 window and dragging her by a Buffer
slimzpMemberRussian, I live in Ukraine, but I will say that ðóíåò urknet one word and the whole audience enjoys add your site.
slimzpMemberIch lebe in der Ukraine, Ich mag eine Menge Chroniken c3 heruntergeladen Ihre Client aktualisiert wird, aber lässt mich nicht zu schreiben, ist kein gültiger Benutzername und Passwort nicht wissen, was zu tun, um Hilfe!