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MemberNPC didnt restarted again.
MemberIt just makes me angry when people just halfread but rangeposting. I also said that i want NON DONATOR be able to kill Donators by pure skill. So your comment about “Just get real and focus less on your donation stuff please.” was just a pussymove, and you know that. I try to test stuff on a way, that even classes like Gladiator have a chance to win in a pvp atleast.
MemberDid i hurt your feeling? ^^ At first i was talking about THE BETA. It will get wiped anyway. All you doing now is testing., your char will be deleted afterwards anyway. The buffers are for testing ONLY. And ofc our Tests went to the best possible equip. Titanium hard to get? once you have a pt of people you will be able to gain it if you’re clever. You should read carefully insteed of rangeposting my friend. I even wanted my own class to get nerfed because its f*cked. And you dont even need a Tita Set for 1000 critical rate. Its just a fact that c3 is misscalculating stats. And once again, read what i said. The casting speed of a Hero sps is letting my Win7 crash. I had the same püroblem on a c2 server i made for myself. Once my char hitted a casting/attack speed, my Game crashed. THATS why i tested it with Silent. For no toehr pupurse. Also on a setted atk speed and c. speed your char is bugging itself by using skills faster as he should and ignoring the reuse (double casts skills). And NOBODY said we gonna nerf classes. Silent on his own said that those Hero skills need to get nerfed. they are borken with that adds of stats. And you act like Titanium is the ultraarmor itself. i gain about 6% more atk speed with it compared to the S armor. So yeah, lets say i love 200 atk speed with a normal S armor. You as a sps will never be able to solo a raid. i mentoried Destroyer if you didnt saw it. Frenzy can be, on the actually sitation, spamused. even without Heroskills or Tita armor. That means, if we add only Vampiric rage (8% HP from the dealed closeup dmg) to the fact of a destroyer with nonstop frenzy (+300% P atk) he WILL be able to solo raids. He dont even need to be any kind of Donator. Thats what i was worried about. So keep your wet balls in your pants. There is no dirrect attack on any classes. Its discusion about EVERYONES stat and its limits.
MemberMy post was made for etherian. I just said that NPC Buffer for testing, even on lowlevel regions are quite helpfull.
Memberetherian, you missunderstood. i dont want any Buffer on the real server neither. I want it clear, no NPC buffers. But in order to test the stuff (Instances, Raids, drops, the Balance of each chars, the Hero system, the skills, the stats of each buffed char etc etc) it would be nice to have those atleast in the Beta. I also hope you ARE wiping after the Beta is done. Testing it on this rate is hard. you can never test all the needed stuff whin 1 month. I played on a server which is down now. Im not naming it, but it was a C5 Server. Used OFF files. Had 2 Month of Beta testing with 400 people on it. Once the final server started we found tons of bugs, non working Heroes, bugged skills, non dropping items and so on. And we had over 4000 people on the final server. You see, testing is the hardest part. Once you got a almost perfect working server with serious background, it will run on its own. A server should be made like a Gm isnt needed. It should run by itself without a GM avaible for weeks. If you need its help daily, there must be something wrong. Im not here to critizice. Im here again because i want that server grow. I learned a hell lot while playing L2 on every single chronicle. To balance stuff out it also means, playing in A/S against Titanium should be clear to have the Titanium guy to win. Skill on using its char is also needed. Else it will end out in a Donator > Non Donator. You know silent, that im a Donator myself. So all im saying here is actually against myself. Ive Donated 229,90€ Dollar on the old Oldskool server. Still i dont want to dominate just because of this. So i like the fact of being unable to Donate for Enchants. We tested alot yesterday. Alot i was thinking of. And you saw that all ive shown you would bring trouble. Eventho we tested it on its highest possibility (Like casting speed of an SpS with ALL Casting Speed Buffs + Tattoo + Titanium Set + Baium Ring + Bless of Hero Skill) 2500 was it, right? Thats broken, the animation cant even follow its speed. Same counts for Human Daggers on fully atk speed. Hitting 2300 atk speed. It would make the Silence effect on the Hero Dagger useless , because the enemie would be dead befor the Silence would take effect. Or 1400 atk. Speed on an Archer. Thats insane. We cant fix it all. Its c3, stuff like Cancel to not work 100% cant be done. So we change it otherwise. My idea was, not to reduce its reuse, which is around 1 Minute. But change the Casttime itself. Like Cancel need 3-4 seconds to get casted. A Skill that Powerfull shouldnt be spamable. Normale on full c speed it takes less than 1/2 second to be casted. And on the same time its ready after 30 seconds. If you fight a Party on Destroyer, 1 Sps could kill them all, eventho they are all Heroes. But also Daggerskills shouldnt be able to get spammed. All Skills depends on its speed. Physical Skills depends on ATK. Speed. Magical on the Casting speed. That also counts for the reusetime. The higher the atk. Speed, the lower the reuse. On its full atk. Speed a TH could Spam all 3 blows nonstop. Adding the fact, that a endgame TH will reach 1000 Critrate, which also means a 100% landing rate of ALL Daggerskills (also Bakctsba from front) they would be spamming 100% Landing skills ALL THE TIME. Destroyer on Fullbuffs + Endgame equip will hit 1200 atk speed. On almost 800+ Critical rate and, because of the atk speed with an Dagger while using Frenzy, endless Frenzy all the time. They would solo epic raids without a Problem. 300% P atk as Titan with fullbuffs and Vampiric Rage working will make you unkillable, atleast on Raids. All that stuff, All that shit i talked about need to be tested. No for my Profit, for the sake of the server.
Memberbtw: Is it possible that i can get the donatetokens on my Ingamechar? its actually only the Beta, but its for testing anyway.
in DeVir ingame actually. Ofc ill send you the Paypal email, which i used earlier to donate if you need it to.Rinem
Memberfully remade my PC. 32 Bit version this time,. gonna retry once i downloaded all the stuff
Memberi cant connect to any webchat nor finding deltaanime server. And i already deleted the bat file 😛
Memberi remember, back on L2x i had to do something on the C:Windows/System32 file. for the contection. After clicking on L2.exe it gives me that error. But it also starts the L2.exe in my task Manager
Membercant. the irc dont let me in…
Memberused both. still the exact same error
MemberIt have to be something with the C3. Since i can play other Chronicles without a problem.
MemberNope, he is just telling me, that i already have a newer version, so its not needed. then the installation ends
Memberyep. GeForce GTX 780
MemberDownloaded the C3 Client. Installed it. Runned the patcher, used the directX filex you gave me. that error always comes up.