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MemberIn light armor. Experience shows that we went to the RB with a tank (2000 p. def) and it turned out to be much worse than the dodge driver’s dodge. The only thing that the Tank could include an ultimatum defender, but it’s not for long .. Even in the case of a tank and dagers, you need a bishop, but MP …
MemberIt turns out mages can kill RB. Tanks can not be, but you will make it possible – they themselves wrote. And the daggers? If you can be a magician, you should be a dagger. If the dagers can not be improved, unlike the tanks, what to do? That’s why I took a Bishop with me. Here’s an example for you. We went to the boss’s Reid. 3 dagers. 1 Bishop. (Nicknames Enterprise 80 lv, KBUHTO 77 lv, Cinderella 75 lv and bishop. And what do we have? Kill a boss raid is not possible, is this fair? Mages can, but can not be a dagger.
MemberOK OK. So what if I’m the dagger with the bishop I can not kill the raid boss?
MemberI agree, tanks should be helped, only since when is the dagger considered a tank?
MemberOr should I take 4 archers? And how to be a melee warrior? Running from the RB when they beat him? And what about bows? Ahah) It’s interesting, as you can imagine how you can smarter kill RB – Bishop, 1 blade dancer, 2 treasure hunter. and 1 destroer? If you say that such a composition does not kill, then it turns out not the equality of classes?
MemberI wonder, but how can I not spamming the charm of a bishop? I was beat and was his BD, 2 Treasure hunter and 1 destroer. So that’s how not to spam? If I stay for 2-3 seconds, they will kill each one in turn)) In addition, I say, on my spell 2 buffs vampiric and no use, then I have a question, the warrior turns out not to be killed by the RB. Only a handful of mages, a pile that can not be found on the server.
MemberFor downloading on simple mobs, this works. Spellsinger does not have any options.
MemberThis is true does not apply to the topic, but can launch the event medal? Or you can add something from the blissed enchant weapon/armor S grade. (for example, to the castle), if I am sharpened, it will be better with RB. Thank you.
MemberThe bishop’s mana ended in about 40 seconds. In 4 mages it is good to beat RB, only to find them still)) The problem with MP is also present in Spelsinger. Homunculus sword does not work in SA Conversion.
MemberWell, yes, I will say. I pumped Treasure hunter to 80lv, another treasure hunter to 77lv, the blade dancer to 74lv, Svs to 58lv, SE to 62lv, a tTyrant to 68lv, destroer to 69lv, SH to 72, Artisan to 62lv, spoiler to 71lv, Bishop up to 58lv, Interesting. I like the server, I support it, but I can not use it fully, just because I play almost one there. Yes, friends brought laptops to me and we tried to kill RB, attacked 4 of them and treated Bishop, but not successfully ..) In theory, anything can be enough, it’s words, but what it says is different. Well, if you can not do anything, then you can not. My business is to write. Thank you.
MemberI thought XML, I’m sorry. I just keep the server Lineage 2 X5, I have XML)) Balance will keep, I beg you to do at least a potions of MP that would immediately give the MP. It will not spoil the balance. Shillien Elder can be rocked at least for the sake of buff magic magic, which you later repair. Well, while on the server there are very few people, I think you can meet the request ..) Thanks.
MemberI understand you, but maybe you can return the rule back, just because there are very few people on the server. After all, it’s true that in the case of a small online, as now, the Reuse MP potions is insolvent. And to change this, you need to spend only 1 minute, change the value in the XML file. Thank you.
MemberI can not steal a lot of life * So I’m in the system window I do not see informatsyu that at least some HP goes. I beat the destroer in 1000 DMG and silence ..
MemberAh, it’s all clear. Thank you
MemberThank you