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- This topic has 12 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 4 months ago by
October 11, 2014 at 11:29 pm EEST #2416
Several days ago I got banned because I was suspect to kill one boss when boss was on low hp. And that gm calls cheating.
There were no proof that I did it nor someone saw me doing it. And second boss was already attacked by someone else because was not in the middle when I enter his room. And for that half reason I got banned, but GM said that all server wants me to get banned and is begging him to do so (means All server = GM + Hyperion).Well while I didn’t do anything buggy with my char nor with external program or anything, the person who reported me
Midona (Baoulettes) – who says he hates bug users – in fact uses 2 bugs triggered by himself.
1. Super slow bug found by himself and he continues to exloit on boss fight – when 2 different slows of same power are cast at same time they both take effect to main speed.
2. Elemental symphony can be used without the 3 seeds. This is used to instantly kill player in pvp and additional big dmg on bosses. This bug is used by all mages except necros and orc mages. (They all should get banned I think)Also critical power from SA or passive skills is buggy and ignores the deffense. All TH, abyss walker, HE, Phantom Ranger and anything else that have weapon with critical damage SA should be banned.
Your server is just full of bugs. I know many more, but wont tell you them. All are using them even if do not know. There is no escape from those even if you know them and do not want to use them.
So all are BUG USERS on this server.
And you seems do not usually care about those things, but for my case you did one exception.
Several hours ago your player rules in server was this:
Rules for Players:*The player isn’t allowed to..*
1. Use bugs in his own or somebody else’s benefit, regardless the type of the bugs.
2. Beg the Admin or/and GMs for items, money, etc..
3a. Use any software that changes the type of packets sent to the server. This forbids also software that alters statistics and speed.
3b. It is absolutely forbidden to use 3rd party programs!
(l2walker, hlapex, debuggers, bot programs, auto clickers, packet editors, etc)
4. The player isn’t allowed to use bugs in our Lineage World, when you encounter a bug please make a print screen and post it in the designated place in the forum.
5. In case of ban from the Admin, it is forbidden to create a new one or/and playing with the banned account (see Punishment).
Explanation : When a player is spawning in a new location, it takes a while before their client is loaded. So it is not fair to kill players on a spawn location because they have no chance of defend themselves.Also a player must not heal from a safe spawn position.
6. It is desirable that the players read the forum regularly and to get informed whether the server will be stopped or restarted, as well as reading the Punishments.
7. Sniping on Monters (Mobs) is forbidden, this means when you attack and Mob from a place where the Mob can’t attack you back.
8. If you lend out items or weapons to friends or who ever we are not held responsible for getting you that item back.
9. Dualboxing out of towns is not allowed. Violators will be permanently banned.But you did changed them because of this:
Because there can be seen hyperion using dual boxing with his blade dancer and sword singer (roses chars in party).
So some can be banned for half reason and for other rules can be changed. I see.This all is ok but you gm did one mistake. You said pretty heavy words at me et the every end and started personal war with me. Like “worthless scum” and etc end etc. This is your true face that you show only on 1 on 1. To not ruin the nice guy theatro.
So I did some research and asked uncle google what internet thinks about you. And see what i have found:
“There are others, to be sure, but the case serves as a reminder that stealing intellectual property is a criminal offense. As our warning clearly states, ” Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.”
Very interesting reading isn’t it?
1. Using stolen code
2. Modification of that stolen code
3. Using client to work with that stolen code
4. Modification of client so it can do so
5. Gain profit from all aboveAnd you dare to call me worthless scum… (know your place – dog).
The biggest cheater seems is actually you silent. And not in game but in real life haha – cheers.I prefer to be worthless than to be worth 5 years in prison and $250,000 like you.
But that are kind of speculations in internet, maybe I should ask NCSoft personally to see what they think about you and your doing. And then we can see who is who and how much any of as is worth. There is more than 1 way for them to go against you. Legal and illegal – because you are already illegal outlaw so anything is allowed :).
You seems try to fly too high, but remember – the higher you fly from higher you will fall and the more it will HURTS.
I never said bad word or insult anyone in this server. The only thing I did is to see a little bit further than you and hyperion like, and to say things straight in face. And that is the thing hypocrites hates the most. Silent with your swearing and cursing you go against your own rules and expect others to respect them? hahahahaha (too sad I didn’t took a shot back then).
October 12, 2014 at 4:12 am EEST #2417silentz0r
AdministratorCool thread, but here’s what’s really happening here.
So, you first started irritating me when you were spamming me ingame about bugs, when I was specifically telling you that this is what the Forums’ Bug Section is for. You completely ignored anything I said to you, you just said your own thing. That would be reason enough for me to mute you, but I didn’t. I gave you another chance.
Then one day you raged like a retard ingame, and _specifically_ asked me to ban you. I did not, I let it pass, even though you still didn’t listen to a word I said.
Then a lot of people started telling me about you annoying them in some way. I still did not take any action, and told them one by one to deal with you as best as they could.
Then you exploited a bug, and got banned (which you actually wanted to in the first place) and all of a sudden you remembered to tell me about all these other people abusing bugs and how they’re not playing fair. You see how that makes you look like, right?
And then you tell me how I don’t fix bugs – how nice of you. I’ve spent the past 6+ years fixing bugs every fucking day, so please, come tell me how I don’t care about this server. Of course the server has bugs, because it’s an old fucking game. Do what I ask you, report them PROPERLY and help me fix them for you. After all, it’s a free server. That’s right, FREE. You’re not paying me anything, and I’m hosting this server for you out of my own fucking money, and spend my time fixing bugs for you. So, please, tell me how I’m a cheater and stuff.
LOL at your “Rules were changed for Hyperion comments”. This is just sad. The rules were changed yesterday, because dual-boxing out of town is actually allowed, I had forgotten to update the rules and someone asked me about it online. You can also read a rule that mentions that we will change the rules without formerly notifying everyone, because obviously that wouldn’t work.
About your whole “Bug Users” rant, I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again, make EXPLICIT bug reports so I can work with them. If you can’t do that, then don’t complain about bugs.
As far as your little stolen stuff threat, most of it is wrong so cry away, nobody’s gonna listen to you. Let me break it down for you:
1. No stolen code is used.
2. No stolen code is used.
3. Actually, the players are using the client, not me.
4. You have the modified client, which you run, not me.
5. We do not gain a profit, as I’ve said a million times I pay for this service out of my own salary.Also, L2 has gone Free-to-Play so good luck with your investigation against an outdated and old server.
But again, funny how you only remembered all this after you got banned, tells a lot about you. You were willing to look away while you were enjoying the free service, but as soon as something goes wrong you’re ready to run to mom & dad. Pathetic.
Flying high and all that bullshit can stay out of this conversation, if you think I’m not doing things fair then speak about them openly, as I do. Funny you should call me a cheat and stuff, most people can tell you that I’m probably one of the most honest admins this game has ever seen.
Me and toolpunk have been working on this server for free to provide and old school C3 server for free, and all you have done is complain and abuse bugs instead of properly reporting them, and them blaming us for not fixing the bugs which you never reported in the first place.
You are an impossible person to speak to, you never listen to anything anyone has to tell you, you just mumble your own thing. And that’s what pissed me off the most. I was asking you if you abused a bug, and all you had to say was how this server is full of bugs and how everyone sucks around here.
If we suck so much, do yourself a favor and go away. I’m also not sure what the point of your topic was, but that’s generally the case with you.
October 12, 2014 at 1:00 pm EEST #2418leonidij
I was pretty sure that you will not get the point of my topic (because you are not stupid as you say for yourself) and which is generally the case with you. You are too smart to understand things coming from “low lifes” that anyway.
But I have to say something first. I actually was expecting you to just delete my topic or to erase its content and etc and then I would behave differently, but seems you are more man than you look. Which I can comment. (I try to see good sides even in worst things).
First of all I do not have something against your server not against your work up until now not against the work of that toolpunk shadow (behind scene) guy. I DO HAVE SOMETHING AGAINST YOUR PERSONAL ATTITUDE. Maybe you should read your own server rule number 1. And say to yourself from time to time that you may be GM, you are human – not a God. And on other side stays most likely human too. I actually wanted to play l2C3 just to remember old times end even planed to do it offline, but knew that setting up the server (l2j – heavy) (l2off – hard to modify) is too much of work and may not work correctly at the end. But then find your server, which almost empty does the same work. But while close to perfection it have some major bugs and flaws which are not so hard to be fixed I believe. And that why I started to message you at all. Our in game conversations are no more than TOTAL 3!
And this is the last one started by me:You still see here only flood of letters and things like that. I wont explain to you what actually is happening in this conversation because as how you say there at the end – you are sure that you are not stupid. So try find it out.
But this also proves that I did try to do something against bugs long before I got banned as you said!
Anyway you seems to live in your own different reality – making up the things which happens past as it is good for you.
First of when I first started “irritating” you in game for first time it was not because I wanted something for my favor – it was against me because my main char was TH and i was talking about buggy criticals and about spiritshots. Then you really said me to use forum instead. And I did so!I did post this sugestion:
Improvements/Balancing Of Knights and Other heavy Armor Fighters
on which you replay just you do not like how my post do looks like and said:“After I’ve reviewed your post I’ll post some of my suggestions, as we do want to give tanks a boost in general but nothing that would be ground breaking.”
And after that – nothing…
Seems my post was never reviewed.Then I post buggy/nonworking important skill:
On which you replay:
“I’ll have to look into this more, however I’m not sure current functionality can be improved any further.”
Its current functionality is 0 and that means you do not care at all even to to figure out what is going on.And my last conversation in game was just because you do not really care about posts. After I saw that you do not care in pm too then I decide just to do as all else. There are bugs yes. But they are for now part of the game since no one really want to fix them. And btw I did not trigger any bug. It was you who triggered the bug. My fault was that I killed in fair fight npc which was at low hp already. I did not lower its hp by cheat or something – it was you gm who did that.
And you are a bit wrong about some things:
Free to play games do have Eula licenses. You can read them in NCSoft website. Where you can find that running l2 EMULATOR and providing platform this game to be played on other servers than legal is illegal too.When you say you are not using stolen code you maybe mean that you are running l2j server which can explain the lags in sieges let say. But l2j servers are not created from nothing – they are creating from reversing the original server, which is illegal too. And modification of the client is is done from your own software which connects to your own website.
And you do gain some profit by selling ingame items for real money which you call donations. But this items donations are pretty balanced I must admit compared to other servers I have heard.Ok the reality is that because of low population of your server NCSoft wont care much. And I actually do not really need to go against your server – I wont gain anything anyway. But here again comes your attitude. You love to play innocent saint, don’t you? If they start actions against you even if you are right they will win! Because you just wont be able to afford to go to the very end and will have to surrender. Thats how it works. Rich bastards have really no mercy :). Well if you are super rich maybe then you have chance but then the law can be applied and I’m not sure if you can win even then. Even running to mama and papa wont help you then :). Even using copyright protected name can be enough :).
Btw I’m
1. something else
2. something else
3. programmer
4. something else
5. gamer
So I kind of understand the creators of the game.I really wanted to help you and thats why try to message no more than 3 times (which you cal constant harassment).
And your replays pretty much was like
Silentz0r: stop pm me
Silentz0r: use forum, you idiot
Silentz0r: how dare you make me to repeat myself?
Silentz0r: you worthless low life scum
Silentz0r: if you continue I will mute/kick/ban you from both game and real life!Ownz!
(Well maybe I overdid it a little bit, but just a little)
So I just started to play just like all else. With bugs. If some uses bugs it is not fair, but if all uses bugs it is fair – don’t you think. If rules are the same for all it is fair. And since you does not care much about bugs nor try much to fix them or announce them to warn others to stay away from them, they become part of game. And in the end I got like the only one not allowed to use bugs which unlike most other I do not even trigger to appear. Nice. You made me your enemy.
I was trying to help only. I do hate bugs and bug users too, but as i already says if rules apply to all equally even with bugs is fair. It is not fair all else to use bugs except me right?Btw i really wanted you to ban me. First it was to switch servers to try something which i have found later after started here. But now I’m really tired from playing.
October 12, 2014 at 2:18 pm EEST #2419silentz0r
AdministratorMy attitude, huh? Here you are, coming in my forum and calling me stupid. Take a moment and realize this, talking about attitudes. I dunno why you think that I live in my own reality, maybe because my char is sitting on that ledge glowing.
Even though I never used the phrase “use forum, you idiot”, I probably should have though, after I specifically told you over 10 times (not exaggerating) within 2-3 minutes to use the forums and you still wouldn’t. The rest of your quotes are really dumb, and misquoting is a really shitty thing to do.
I spend my time to run, fix & maintain this server for free for everyone, just to have people like you come online when they’re in a bad fucking mood and tell me how I don’t care about anything and I don’t fix bugs, I kiss Hyperion’s ass and live in the Bahamas drinking mojitos with all the money I don’t make form the server. What’s also funny is that even Hyperion and myself have had our setbacks and fights over things, but people see a fully equipped character and they instantly assume that’s it has somehow something to do with the admin, not that the player has been here ever since the server was up (yes, he is one of the oldest players). This is a project myself and toolpunk decided to start years ago, knowing we won’t be making money out of it, simply because we really loved this era of the game.
I’m really sorry that you made a topic about Aegis stance and skills like those, which aren’t top of the list in importance to fix and might have got overlooked. This is our project after all, and what’s first to be fixed is our decision. That’s not something that is up for discussion, either like it or not. I would post my 950+ lines of Bug Fixes (fixed and pending) as proof, but I don’t need to prove nothing to nobody. Every bug report is put into our to-do list, it would be just dumb not to (I’ll let you figure this one out).
Imagine how badly you pissed me off in order for me to call you those things. Just for a second, try to think how annoyed and angry someone must be with your stupid behavior to rage like this. I was trying to speak to you once again, and you were being an impossible little kid with your threats and the “go ahead, ban me” attitude. I don’t tolerate this kind of crap towards me, and thankfully I have the power to do something about it. Just like the topic you’re referencing with our discussion. If you don’t understand that your behavior was shitty then I’m really sorry but there’s nothing I can do. I wasn’t even planning on banning you, as long as you would help me identify the Bug (which I also told you). But as soon as I ported to you you were being annoying and completely uncooperative and I had no time to deal with whatever you though you would achieve, so I gave you an ultimatum: You got caught. Either cooperate or get banned. You chose the latter, we all moved on.
“Just started to play like everyone else”
Everyone else has reported possible bugs they found, all you’ve done was one lousy random rant on the forums (after I begged you for a Bug Report) where 10% of it was Bug Report and 90% telling us how to do our job.We’ve been around long enough to know how to deal with copyrights, so you can drop that subject.
Don’t try and justify what you did because it’s not a matter of right or wrong. Just understand that you got caught fucking up and just move on. You weren’t trying to help, because you never reported or PM’d me about that bug, you simply abused it. If you scroll through these forums (which, for your information are our 3rd forums and are lacking content) you could find endless Bug Reports and posts by me underneath saying “Fixed” or “Need to look into this more”. So tell me again how I do not care about Bug Reports, when I specifically asked you more than 10 times in one conversation to do that.
I don’t care to make enemies online, especially here in a community that I’ve tried very hard to create. You made up a storyline in your head, in which your enemy is the evil silentz0r, and have lived by it ever since. Just try to remember how many times you’ve begged me to ban you, and how many times I told you to grow up and didn’t punish you.
Finally, if you think other people are abusing bugs, be specific about it. Right now, you are neither reporting bugs nor reporting players abusing bugs, so there’s nothing I can do with that information.
I’m also asking anyone else (mainly Baoulettes and Hyperion whose names have been in this thread) to take time and have a say in here.
October 12, 2014 at 5:21 pm EEST #2420leonidij
MemberFirst of I know that you are not so close with hyperion and you did banned him in past for like 3 days.
Second in your last post there is a proof that you are making your own reality – show me where exactly I called you an idiot? Bring from ingame logs if you want to. You nonstop keep saying that I’m insulting you while it is the opposite.
You maybe need a doctor?
Poor you. I think now I kind of start to understand you. When I imagine that I think that anyone who says things which I do not want to hear, are actually insulting me – then my life really should be hard. But there are doctors, alchohol, drugs, suicide and etc things that can fix this. Don’t you think?And about this:
“You made up a storyline in your head, in which your enemy is the evil silentz0r, and have lived by it ever since.”
It is more likely you was seeing that evil AbandonAllHple who insults you all the time and everywhere, and have lived by it ever since.
You said I abuse you or insult you just like in your post above which is different from reality.You first say to stop PM you in game and to use forum. And then say that I never PM you about this bug? Hahahahahaha. But you said to me to never do so. You forgot?
And btw I do not justify myself. I’m guilty. And the point is to ban all else. In this way:
1. Bugs will be never ever abused.
2. No one will ever abuse/insult/trololol you in game (not even a chance. I guarantee)P.S.
You maybe owner of this server/site and yes have power to ban, but that power is kind of limited if we look closely on it, don’t you think? (Life is not fair 🙂 )
And why not post that 950 lines of fixes and “to do” list in separate threads so all can see that you are actually working on something? Positng a list is not hard. It is pretty normal for any application/project to have Changelog.October 12, 2014 at 6:00 pm EEST #2421leonidij
MemberYou didn’t use the “use forum, you idiot” indeed but used like all else (shorter version of last one). And what is this?
Who said this?
So, you first started irritating me when you were spamming me ingame about bugs, when I was specifically telling you that this is what the Forums’ Bug Section is for. You completely ignored anything I said to you, you just said your own thing. That would be reason enough for me to mute you, but I didn’t. I gave you another chance.
and this
Don’t try and justify what you did because it’s not a matter of right or wrong. Just understand that you got caught fucking up and just move on. You weren’t trying to help, because you never reported or PM’d me about that bug, you simply abused it.
How many personality do you have? First don’t report me any bugs online. Then you are guilty that you didn’t reported it and just go forth. HAHAHAHAAHAHAH. You are really funny. And you said that I’m little kid while you get berserk just because 20-30 rows from some random person… Isn’t this more childish? You will ruin your health hurter if you continue like this. Take care. Use some pills or something. Take it easy. Life is not going to end tomorrow (probably).
October 12, 2014 at 9:25 pm EEST #2422Twistaaaaaaaaaa
Memberk i read like half of the comments on this and then couldnt handle it any further. The one comment i had noticed and just wanted to put my 2 cents on is the comment about silent being unfair. You have no idea how incredibly fair he is. Ive been on enough free server and delt with enough developers, and i have never once seen one that was not doing this for some personal gain, i.e. pay to win free server. This is in no way a pay to win server, and almost every free server is that way. Even with all the new donation changes coming out his number 1 priority is making sure this does not turn into a free server where you have to donate. This is something he enjoys doing, spends his own time doing it, and lets be honest, doesnt get much in return for his work. But thats the way a free server works. Not to mention, its his and toolpunks server, at any given day either one of them could just decided, well im bored and pull the plug on the whole thing. Now while i hope that doesnt happen any time soon, this is the risk you get when playing on a free server. Point being, its their server, so pissing them off by starting a personal vendetta against them, probably isnt the smartest thing you could think of when not wanting to get banned.
October 13, 2014 at 4:29 pm EEST #2424Baoulettes
Moderatorthat an exelent idea for a book men 🙂
well let me clear your mind a little bit ^^
Midona (Baoulettes) – who says he hates bug users – in fact uses 2 bugs triggered by himself. 1. Super slow bug found by himself and he continues to exloit on boss fight – when 2 different slows of same power are cast at same time they both take effect to main speed. 2. Elemental symphony can be used without the 3 seeds. This is used to instantly kill player in pvp and additional big dmg on bosses. This bug is used by all mages except necros and orc mages. (They all should get banned I think)
1. Have you ever played Lineage II C3 ?
where you can root lower level RBs cause you got better matk? 🙂
No need to explain so 😉2. Normal hit 21xx
elemental symphony hit 35xx
Mana cost + Cast time I better use my normal hit baby 🙂
Also I was thinking it was intended to be like that cause else we would need to be hundred.
and for finish even on Bartz I never used that seed system when i was in c3 😛What else? an expresso :)?
Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !
October 13, 2014 at 10:54 pm EEST #2425leonidij
MemberWhile for second bug you maybe be right (or maybe not, because you were using them in fact), for the second you play trickery again.
1. Maybe you think that I know only dagger skills but SH (Midona) does have root skill?
2. LVL 75 RB is low lvl RB?
3. I’m talking about double slow bug ( which happens with 2 different slow skills which normally overwrite each other, but in some conditions they both apply), found and used by you and NOT ABOUT ROOT (spell howler and shilen elder are 2 very different hings)!
4. You do not deny it, but try to change subject in very meaning less direction :).
5. With this bug no one need to run nonstop from boss which increases the effective fire power with +50% for 3 total persons, +33% for 4, +20% for 5 and etc.If we are going to play FAIR lets do it 100%, shall we?
You expected to report me and me to be silent about your own shit? Come on. Get real. Lets apply now your rules to yourself. Ok Baoulettes?October 14, 2014 at 1:33 am EEST #2426Baoulettes
Moderator1. Maybe you think that I know only dagger skills but SH (Midona) does have root skill? 2. LVL 75 RB is low lvl RB? 3. I’m talking about double slow bug ( which happens with 2 different slow skills which normally overwrite each other, but in some conditions they both apply), found and used by you and NOT ABOUT ROOT (spell howler and shilen elder are 2 very different hings)! 4. You do not deny it, but try to change subject in very meaning less direction :). 5. With this bug no one need to run nonstop from boss which increases the effective fire power with +50% for 3 total persons, +33% for 4, +20% for 5 and etc.
1 : You don’t see that all debuff can be applied on boss/world boss in C3 and that original system.
I Told you root like I could told you curse weakness or ice bolt.
Just need proper matk, oh oups I got 5.1K of it and Iam not even lv 78, I am sooooo haxor 😀2. Read my full sentence I am not the one to repeat myself. (yeah yeah the first one :p)
3. What I have found? I use slow on boss that all. (like i describ in 1 point.)
I have only one slow so what you speak about little guy?4. Wut dah hell you want in that point? (out of joke what your meaning?
5. what the … you think ?
I don’t how slow can provide weakness to fire when that applied by sh O.O
sometime you need to be more clear Lady.I follow the rules, I even follow them a bit much as I am a bug reporter, caus you might now know bt yet I did more than you think.
I have reported You but the Bug you was actually using.
But also several little one during my play cause just to speak I could have owned any of Archer there before with a simple weapon B +15 ! with triple SA but what I did? I reported the bug one I seen it has 3 sa and totaly abandonned my archer (Mysticia btw.)
So please calm yourself you’re angry cause I reported something you liked that not my problem.
If it were Galy or Hyp or any other I would also have reported like I already did.so now if you have something again man just go one you lost your time 😉
It would be easier for all, yep even you so now I am there behid my monitor waiting your reply.
It’s like playing with ant this thread I like it 🙂PS: little boy if you start to play rule with me you can see any of my char at any hours and you will how fair I play cause I play only ! ahah now just leave me with your sticky rules I know them more than you cause I’ve been someone that applied rules before so I know them happy?
now go back to you game, oh wait you’re still banned? BannedAllHopes ~PS2: To Silentz0r if you feel I am a bit rude just delete that message I think he would read it before that my main goal 🙂
It just I don’t like that kind of post without proof ~Still to all even you Aba I hope you see that some kind of “joke” with the names like Lady and co.
I wish you all a good day and relax that a game only 😉Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !
October 14, 2014 at 3:50 pm EEST #2427Alkien
ModeratorAlkien a.k.a. Hyperion checking in …
As we decided a month ago, we shall not speak to eachother anymore and since we did that I have not said a single word about you to anyone (meaning to start a converastion about you). You enjoy your game and let me enjoy mine. Don’t know why you felt like talking about me again on a topic that actually has nothing to do with me.
The reason I decided to write a line or two is just to clearify that Silentz0r has never bend any rules for me and further one it was ME who first reported that 1% HP bug like ages ago.
Also wanted to say a word about “All server = Silentz0r and Hyperion” – I explained to everyone in my clan (not even to silentz0r) that we decided not to talk to eachother anymore. It was the only info they needed and it is the only thing I told them. Silentz0r is an Admin and does not even need to know about in-clan relations so why talk to him about that? (retorical question) … My clan mates however shared that from time to time it was hard to talk to you and that you seemed possessive, which (I am sorry) is totally true. But as I have said … for past month I couldn’t care less what you were doing and why were you doing it. But then this post … damn you must hate me … don’t even know what I ever did to you. From day one you are coming up with theories of what an asshole I am – you even got me beyond angry with your random chatting and talking bad things about me – I really was so close to quitting everything here (then we got to an agreement not to share any more talks – thank goodness) because of you.
So to sum this up – trust me, many people indeed have problems with you, but that is just your fault and not anyone else’s. Try to be a nicer person to … well, everyone … Try and tend to seeing good in people, try to be a nice person in general that hides behind that character in game. This is a game, of course, but there are people behind every character.
Oh and about the ban – didn’t even know what you were doing and what you got banned for till my clan mates explained to me. So believe me – I just couldn’t care less what has happened here, but I surely do not need you tresh-talking about me again. So – please – tend not to do it anymore. It really isn’t necessary.
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
October 15, 2014 at 4:25 am EEST #2429Twistaaaaaaaaaa
MemberSo please calm yourself you’re angry cause I reported something you liked that not my problem. If it were Galy or Hyp or any other I would also have reported like I already did.
Twista here,
Come on Midona, i know you would never report me for all my crazy haxs. One day this whole server will be mine muHAHAHAHA
October 15, 2014 at 12:08 pm EEST #2433Baoulettes
Moderatornah you’re my priviligied one.
You can hack the way you want safety XD!
Joking for sure I never report peoples name but bug/exploit used if you don’t feel I tell the truth well pray the shaman king of the antartic 🙂Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !
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