About silentz0r

Server owner and such.

New Client Update (& Textures)

Hey everyone,

there is a new client update today which will update your armor textures to the ones Baoulettes fixed, so make sure you thank him (they look really awesome). The update also includes several item name/stats fixes, as well as some new items which I will be posting about soon.

Note: If you updated yesterday, you need to update again in order to fix the login error.

Today we will also be releasing the new Donation Lottery system, so make sure you check it out! There will be a News update about the Lottery (when it goes live) with guides on how to play, how it works, prizes, rules etc.

That’s all for now, see you ingame.

[COMPLETED] Unexpected Downtime

Hello guys,

our Service Provider has had a major crash, so the server will be offline for a few minutes/hours until they fix that. Apart from calling them a lot, there’s not much more we can do other than wait. I’ll update this topic as soon as I know more!

Edit: The issue has been resolved, the server is back online!


Server Back Online

Good Morning OldSkoolers,

the server is finally back online. Apologies for the downtime, as I mentioned before it wasn’t our fault – I had to directly contact our ISP to solve this issue and since it happened during night time I had to wait until the morning. Everything is back to normal now, so have fun and see you online!


Unscheduled Downtime

Hey everyone,

as you may have noticed the server has been offline for a couple of hours now. Unfortunately our ISP is still having issues, so there is nothing we can do about this but wait. I know this sucks, but this ISP is the only one we can afford at the moment – and I guess it comes at a price.

In the meantime, make sure you update your profile on the forums and chat with everyone else here! As soon as I hear more from them I will let you guys know, hopefully everything will be up and running by morning.

Apologies for the inconvenience but there’s nothing we can do about those things.

New User Avatars & News

Hey everyone,

due to a recent website update we had to delete all User Avatars (yes, including mine and toolpunk’s) so we would like to ask everyone to re-upload their custom User Avatars through their Edit My Profile page on the top right. Unless of course you enjoy the super awesome and cool nyan cat default avatar, and we won’t blame you if you do.

The lag issues noticed 2-3 days ago have also been resolved and the automated restart scripts have been adjusted to diagnose such situations.

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