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    My antivirus software has dedected vista7.dll as a trojen horse and deleted it. It says Backdoor.Graybird is a back door Trojan Horse that gives its creator unauthorized access to your computer. The existence of the file, Svch0st.exe, is an indication of a possible infection. Backdoor.Graybird is a Delphi application.


    Hi, we’ve had this issue in the past.

    We haven’t created vista7.dll, so we can’t know for sure that it is not a trojan. With that said, vista7.dll is a “hack” in order to get C3 working in Windows Vista/7/8, as the game was originally only developed for WinXP.

    Hope this helps.


    Thank you Sir but i can not recover that dll file. Even i disable my antivirus and redownload the dll, something deletes that vista7.dll immediately. May be some windows services delete it? Does any one has any iadea to solve that problem?

    thank you


    I have just solved the problem! I excluded the l2 folder being scanned.

    im in the game:)

    my char name is Hakkinen i would like to hang together


    VirusTotal shows a large number of serious viruses in this DLL.

    My wife and I wanted to play on your project, but we won’t risk it for now.

    The only way is to install VirtualBox and play through it.

    I’m afraid this is one of the reasons for the low population here.

    In 2023, many people have personal information, credit card numbers, etc. on their PC.



    It is possible that Vista7.dll is no longer needed so I’ll look into it once I have some time in my hands.

    As I wrote a few years before, I am not the original author of Vista7.dll so I can’t follow up on why it gets flagged as a virus. It’s also important to note that what some of these DLLs are doing will always get picked up by antivirus programs, since they are actually using mechanisms that antivirus programs are configured to pick up.

    Can you share the scan from VirusTotal so I can have a look?

    Finally, since Lineage 2 C3 is an old game, running it inside a VM is a perfectly fine way to play the game if you don’t want to worry about any custom DLLs.

    Hope you have fun playing 🙂


    Please, fix it if You can.


    vista dll


    Hope you have fun playing

    We did not dare to take risks.

    If the virus issue will be  resolved, we`ll be happy to join other players.


    I’m afraid I don’t have the time to investigate into this old DLL. You are free to investigate and let me know if you find something out.

    If you still want to play you can always run L2 inside a VM (or just Windows Sandbox).


    is it possible to restart the game server? It hasn’t been working for 2 weeks! a lot of people have already written about this on the forum and in the DC


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Please restart server, login doesn’t work ((</p>

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