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- This topic has 20 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by
October 1, 2013 at 3:24 pm EEST #1275
Moderator[poll id=3]
As title is saying … I’d suggest that we make dances and songs last 30 minutes. Currently the community is still low and for those who were crazy enough to level up their dancers and singers, I’d say the appropriate reward is to make their buffers useful just staying in towns and buff up only every 30 minutes.
Later, if and when we get more people playing here, dances and songs duration can be decreased to 10 minutes, so that more people will play those characters actively as well. At the moment however, that time is just silly and only makes it annoying to have a dual boxed char on auto-follow.
Just saying … and would be cool if you consider this suggestion. I know it would make all of us very happy … or at least happier! 🙂
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
October 2, 2013 at 10:21 am EEST #1280Dart
Memberi would event settle for 20 minutes dance/song, most buffs last that long. but i agree that 10 minutes for now is a bit low.
i know the pieces fit because i have watched them falling apart.
October 2, 2013 at 6:17 pm EEST #1283Verena
MemberBuffs here holds 30 minutes. Thats why Alkien asks for Dances/Songs 30 minutes as well. Since everyone made himself a Dancer and Singer, you would have both all the time anyway. Its just the fact that you have to change your client to the both buffers every 10 minutes which also causes critical errors often. So putting Dances and Songs to 30 minutes as long we dont have enough people, playing both classes actives.
October 2, 2013 at 11:42 pm EEST #1284silentz0r
AdministratorOkay, if most of you think it’s a plus then I guess we’ll consider it temporarily, but please do remember this day because I’ll refer to it when people start complaining about Songs/Dances becoming 10 minutes again.
I will make a poll as soon as I install a poll plugin on our website :p
October 3, 2013 at 1:56 pm EEST #1289toolpunk
AdministratorOctober 8, 2013 at 10:43 pm EEST #1324jeckssondario
MemberI think 20 minutes dances , songs and Buffs and 5 minutes “CHANT OF VICTORY” and prophecys
October 8, 2013 at 11:45 pm EEST #1325silentz0r
AdministratorOctober 9, 2013 at 3:22 am EEST #1329Verena
MemberHow do people even come to the idea, being in the need of Chant of Victory on a L2x C3 server? isnt like all classes got decent stats already…
NO Props. NO COV !!!!
October 9, 2013 at 4:04 pm EEST #1332Alkien
ModeratorGot home from (well, being away) today … server seems online but has anything else happened in the meanwhile? What happened to “we shall have poll about how long dances will work”? And the custom zone? Any ETA on that?
Also … I think that jackssondario person doesn’t know there are no buffs as COV here so no need to take it all out on him. Also he probably doesn’t know we have 30 mins buffs and that we want to “balance” dances and songs with that time (if we could vote, that is). So … relax people. More using words, less being angry —> Caps Lock OFF, and no need for 5 thousand exclamation marks! <3
It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.
October 9, 2013 at 6:53 pm EEST #1334silentz0r
AdministratorWe had a bit of downtime, but everything’s back to normal now. The custom area will require some work which I don’t have the time at all at the moment. Dances/Songs poll will come up at some point, but again Songs and Dances are very strong in C3 and shouldn’t last that long. We are merely trying L2x’s recipe which worked fine, so we really don’t want to deviate from it and start customizing those things.
November 27, 2013 at 12:11 pm EET #1394soulhunter
MemberHi, im new here and my main char is TargetOne… i have 2 friends more, they dont play often, so i use they help me somtimes….
we have Dancer Songer and buffer… but there is a litle problem.. the computers that we use are not Very good PCs. so i cant let open 4 clients to log buff song dances and main.. eventualy empower char and evasion char.. i must log 1 by 1 or maybe 2.
I can use 2 pcs… but i still can log in and out every 10 min dancer and songerso my idea is..
all buffs(dances, song, pp, etc) 1hr..
1. all people log them 1 time and they can play 1hr if they dont die…
2. if i use 2 computer i can let suports loged in giran with a title like ” PM xxxxxxx For buff ” so people that dont have buffers.. can make his own easier having buff… or i can buff the main chars… maybe that will do that people play a litle more here..
3. new incomers see chars in giran so server dont seems dead.i will be very glad if this staff can implementate higher buff time..
Party feature: +3 same ip in party = degrees P.atack … not nice (in this moment .. low players online.. ppl need buffs and no1 play pp, dancer, songer or any suporter… so people who play here need full buff.. and need to make his own Colection of suporters and it will be easier if they can lvl them in party and not 1 be 1.)
PD: other cool thing is .. if you can and packs of 5000 soulshots… its annoying to buy 999×20
Regards Pedraza Leonardo.
November 28, 2013 at 8:45 pm EET #1397madocter
Memberyou arent targetone legit person of that char is rylzen if im not wrong why steal nicks 😀 jaja
In mi opinion let buffs retails so 2 mins is my opinion
November 29, 2013 at 4:42 pm EET #1399soulhunter
MemberSorry? im not legit person??? .. im created the char here with that name… its do not matter if in other server other ppl use that nick… here im created me that char.. so im the legit owner in this server.
December 2, 2013 at 2:01 am EET #1403silentz0r
AdministratorThe Patk on same LAN feature has been disabled already.
As far as buffs lasting longer, I will make a poll this weekend and leave it on for a couple of weeks to see how people respond to it. If most people want higher buff times, then all we have to do is deliver.
With that being said, our idea of buffers was not that they only buff. It is a playable class, able to PvP and therefore we have high class items for them as well, including hero weapons. If people don’t play these classes it’s only because they think they are not powerful when the fact is that they actually are. The 10 minute mark seems annoying to many people because they think it is supposed to be an afk buff. In fact, it is supposed to be helping out the party that the BD/SWS is in, and instead of having it down to 5 minutes we decided to leave it at 10 minutes so people can actually farm/pvp without having to get those buffs again instantly.
The new servers with 24/7 buffs ruined the whole gameplay of L2, and everyone was playing a nuking character – whether that was an archer, dagger, mage, or the occasional healer. We are trying to introduce all classes here, just like L2x used to.
With that being said, we are also working on a custom class which will be introduced in the following weeks/months, so stick around 🙂
December 2, 2013 at 2:38 pm EET #1405soulhunter
Memberok thanks you.
Waiting for poll xD
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