Baoulettes's Client Mods Showcase

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  • #2358

    okay here is my last screen of grade S 😀
    Quite really happy 🙂
    (next screen while show S grade running in my side to show it in action on our little server :))


    I will send you an email containing link for Utx (Tita/Imp/Drac/Maj) and UKX (Dropmesh I needed to get.)
    It will be an Heavy .rar ! (Tbh it gonna take me time to upload it…) but all tita utx will be replace the older so please backup (even tbh I don’t see any problem comming but who know).
    And also I will give you a TXT with lines that need to be put in armorgrp.dat also if need a L2FileEdit for C3 files (I think you got it but who know :p)
    So please once you downloaded it could you tell me? because my ftp is a free one so I am so limited 😡

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    Yummy yummy
    When that fixed that look really great 😀
    (not my test client anymore ;))

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    Here another one running with shine at giran 😀

    Edit : This picture was useless and was unable to recover from my last server sorry ;/

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    Thanks man, I’ve downloaded them (had some issues at first). Thanks for also giving me the armorgrp.dat lines, it will save me a lot of time from importing & testing. No worries about backups, I still have old system folders from 2003 so I heavily backup stuff 🙂 I have L2FileEdit but don’t use it, I use some really old tools which I learned to love. I’ll work on these over the weekend and probably post a client update (of course you will be credited and rewarded for your work). Keep up the awesomeness!


    I told you a simple thanks is enough for me 😉
    and good luck for preparing an update 😉

    My Todo:
    Dusk Items Glow, Glow effect, Descriptions*.
    Wedding dress to be available in game for later use.
    Then Request time ^^

    ( * = will be reported in different thread ^^)

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    So here the line for fixed glow (I used staff logic as seen here and sorry for low glow I don’t own high enchanted sword & staff)

    0	5800	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.duskk_sword_m00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_sword_t00_wp					icon.weapon_sword_of_miracle_i01	95	1380	1	1	20	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.duskk_sword_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_sword_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.sword_small_1	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	290	195	1	5	8	1	0	10	0	379	0	1	1	1000	LineageEffect.c_u007		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	2.00000000	3.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		3.00000000	1.00000000	0.80000001	15.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000						
    0	5801	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.duskk_staff_m00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_staff_t00_wp					icon.weapon_mace_of_prayer_i01	95	1380	1	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.duskk_staff_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_staff_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.sword_small_1	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	260	195	2	5	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	LineageEffect.c_u007		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000	20.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000						

    So !
    In case it show weird on the forum I will explain what I did :
    For sword :
    I changed “LineageEffect.c_u00x” to : “LineageEffect.c_u007” It allow “fire” to appear at +7 ++
    Only this as the glow placement was already good.

    For the staff I did both :
    “LineageEffect.c_u00x” to : “LineageEffect.c_u007”

    but also :
    after that there is :
    1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000

    I modded this to :
    1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 20.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000

    notice the 20.00000000 ? well that what fix it I moved the ball along it’s axe.
    so now it look great in game for both weapon 🙂 (I can’t show fire effect sorry)

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    This Elf is aliveeeeeee !

    Well that not really perfect but that now are working as intended tbh ^^ (I move fire from glow to be sure that the good effect :p) I just have to put the right number back 🙂

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    well here it is fixed totaly (for me ^^)

    Here the line :
    Dusk Weapon C3 Fix (Pastebin)

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    I was playing with Effect and well I fin dsome interesting one for futur hair accessory? or mobs? or other ^.^

    Angry Silentz0r

    When a Ghost do a kamehameha on our Elf….

    Electric Silentz0r =D


    Wow Anakim Effect ! 😀


    We knew you have Hero weapon but please calm yourself would you?

    eheheh yeah I had some time so I did use it !
    And happy new day (00:00 right in my time XD!)

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    Not enjoyed tbh….
    I had in mind it would look better…

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    Hum I will invest more on this for sure.

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    I will maybe do more colors later once I get all race done 🙂

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    For those wonder why my picture doesn’t that currently on maintenance no worry 🙂

    Server #40 is under the maintenance
    We are currently performing a maintenance on the Server #40. It is estimated that this maintenance should be completed within 2-3 hours.
    Please do not submit any tickets about this issue and do not increase our work load as we are fully dedicated in resolving this server problem. We thank you for your patience and understanding.

    and I use that server 🙂
    It happen too all 😀
    Also I can’t wait to show you an epic screen :D!

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    That what I told you by map editor 😉

    Acutally it doesn’t have texture cause I was Lazy as hell (yeah!)
    and for simple show I don’t why I would put effort on it 😉
    But can be used to add decoration etc ~

    Pew Pew Pew Laser Game !


    Haha, this is really awesome!

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