A lot of people have had trouble with their game accounts, so I’ll make this a short tutorial.
Our current system is: Every Website account is entitled to only 1 Game account, and vice-versa.
Every newcomer needs to create a Website account by clicking here. Website account creation is instant, so you can activate your Website account a link on your email.
After activating your Website account, you can create a Game account to join our server. You can do this by clicking the 3rd button on the navigation bar, or by clicking here. Your Game Account is displayed, so you only need to set a password for your new account, and submit. Game account creation takes anywhere from 10 – 30 minutes, so don’t post on the forums unless 30 minutes have passed and you still can’t log in to the game. You can see your account status:
Activated: Your account is created/changes have been applied, you can log in!
Deactivated: You need to set a password to activate your account.
Updating: Your new password hasn’t been updated yet (pending), so you need to wait.
If you ever want to reset your password, you can visit the UCP again and simply set a new password.
If you still can’t log in, make sure you are typing your password correctly. You can reset your password and wait. If none of these work, make a new thread on the Help & Support forum, and we will reply as soon as possible.
Hope this helps newcomers out!