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As promised, am reporting again everything that has happened.

I opened private SELL store in Giran, selling 1 Thons for 100kk adena, with message “Need me? PM Arienna!” cause I was spoiling with her for the next 30 minutes or so.

After that time I switched back to Hyperion, click Open Sell Store button again, Hyperion stood up and the Sell window opened … but while that was happening, I got disconnected from the server.

As I tried to re-log in I first got the message “The account is already in use.” and then as I tired again I logged in normally, got to the server selection window and as I pressed OK, when selecting the server, the message “Access failed. Try again later.” popped up.

“And that as they say is that.” I thought at first it was something wrong with the server, but then I logged my spoiler in normally and found my main character standing in Giran … was a sweet little shock for me. And the rest … you already know. 🙂

It is not that you do not understand, it is that you do not even question.