Reply To: Error with lineage2 c3 client (files are corrupted,cant’ extract/install stops at half)

Home Forums Help & Support Help & Support Error with lineage2 c3 client (files are corrupted,cant’ extract/install stops at half) Reply To: Error with lineage2 c3 client (files are corrupted,cant’ extract/install stops at half)


If the extract stops half way through, it means that you didn’t fully download the client. You need to download the client again. If you have a slow internet connection I suggest you use a Download Manager (such as FlashGet).

I can confirm that the current client works, as I just downloaded it, extracted and updated the client and it all worked fine.

Also don’t make topic titles like this because it looks like there’s a problem with the client itself and it is misleading. I will change your topic title this time, but be more considerate.