Dual Boxing Q n A

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    So. I am an OOOOLLLD Skool (see what I did there?) retail player. I am used to running up to 5 clients at once on 1 to two machines. And those machines were super crappy compared to this one.

    I understand dual boxing is allowed here. So, I have registered two different accounts so I can do so. I log my chars in, I switch screens to accept invite to party and both crash.

    I am on low settings on both clients, computer is brand new within the last 45 days and up to date.

    Anyone else have this issue? How did you fix it?



    That’s the common “Alt-Tab” issue with Windows versions later than XP, and the old C3 client. There’s a relevant topic found here

    It is all dependant on individual machines, some experience this issue and some others don’t and different workarounds work for different people.

    For me, focusing the chat window before tabbing out works on all my machines.


    Fabulous, I’ll be trying this ASAP.
    Thank you sir!


    You’re welcome!
    Quick note: The TeamViewer method no longer works. Updated the Alt-Tab fix article as well.

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